Thursday, October 20, 2005

Cinnamon Ice Cream

Must randomly share that Cinnamon Ice Cream (care of Blue Bunny) is really, really good. You know when you eat apple pie a la mode, and you get to the end and there's just vanilla ice cream with all that apple-cinnamony goodness in it? Yeah, it tastes a lot like that. YUM.

We had Toby's first check-up today. He is well on his way to re-achieving his birth weight (he's at 9 lbs 4 oz as of this morning). He is nursing like a champ, and all his bits and pieces are in perfect order. They'll see him again in about a week, at which time Jack will also get a quick exam and a flu shot. Trip and I will also be getting the flu shot in the next week or so, as Toby is highly vulnerable at this stage and can't be vaccinated himself for it.

It is WAY too late for me to still be awake, so I'm heading to bed to get an hour's rest before the next feeding. This little boy is a bottomless pit.. and I suddenly have a whole new empathy for dairy cows....

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