Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Deja Vu All Over Again...

We went to the OB today and, in spite of our best hopes, there has been no activity in the baby department. No dilation, no effacement, and the baby has not engaged or even really moved down to a satisfactory degree. The doctor, who was very sympathetic to our disappointment, basically said that he is confident I will still be able to deliver the baby if we let it grow another week, and if we tried to induce now (even with Cervidil) he's worried we may cause unnecessary complications and end up with a c-section that could have been avoided...

SO... long story short... after a few tears (me) and some reshuffling of work schedules (Trip) we rescheduled the induction for next Wednesday, October 12. We also went ahead and scheduled the Cervidil treatment, which means I will plan to check in to the hospital next Tuesday evening. We'll have one more check at the doctor's office on Tuesday afternoon, just to see if things have progressed at all... but at this point, I'm not optimistic that this baby has any plans to arrive on his own or help the process along at all....

All in all, a bit of a disappointing day... but, as Trip keeps reminding me, the baby is healthy, and even if we have to wait one more LOOOOOONG week before he makes his appearance, our son will have 10 fingers and 10 toes and everything in its place... so for that, I am grateful. I'm sure I'll be even more grateful once my pity party has run its course... and once I've consumed my body weight in chocolate...

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