Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The fear, it builds...

Okay, so I'm beginning to get afraid. Only a few more days with Trip home with me, and then he's back to work and I'm on my own with the 2 boys. So far I have been spared any serious baby blues, but I have a feeling if depression is going to strike it will be once I'm alone with the two small ones.

Toby is growing like a weed, and beginning to chunk out nicely. I did a mini photo shoot with him today and got the photos I will be using for his birth announcements... which hopefully will be going out next week. (that might be a tad optimistic, but I'll do my best.)

Jack is cutting molars. 2 of the 4 are now through, but he is waking up in the wee hours of the morning every day, and won't settle back down unless Trip lays down with him. This means I end up alone in the bed, so I've been bringing Toby in to bed with me when he wakes up to nurse again, thus giving me easy access to nurse him again the next time without having to haul my butt out of bed.

I'm wiped out, and Toby is ready to eat again, so it's time to nurse my boo and head to bed. We head to the doctor on Friday, so I'll have more Toby news then...

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