Monday, October 10, 2005

Deja V- Wait A Second!

Over the weekend I realized that, in a past life, I must have done something horrible enough to warrant the thorough karmic ass-kicking I am now receiving.

The sore throat I had last week turned, over the weekend, into a full blown nasty fall cold. Swollen glands? Check. Clogged sinuses and MASSIVE sinus headaches? Check. Body Aches? Check.

Today has been a bit better, but we called the OB to give him a heads up. Basically, he said I can take Sudafed in the morning, Benadryl before bed.. and hey, if my cervix is still not favorable tomorrow, we'll just postpone inducing until the weekend so I have time to recover from my cold...

SO... yeah. I'm drinking water by the gallon, herbal tea, SoBe (with echinacea, zinc, and vitamin C) and using saline spray to clear out my sinuses. I am waging all-out holistic war on this cold. I am willing every cell in my body to be conscripted to the fight, so that by tomorrow morning I can feel GREAT.

I have also given my cervix an ultimatum... DILATE or face the consequences. There really aren't any consequences, but don't mention that to my cervix....

Mental health. Hanging by thread. This calls for drastic measures.... time for a bagel and a vitamin C...

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