Monday, October 03, 2005

Notes from the Edge...

Well, it is Monday night and tomorrow morning we head to the doctor to get the verdict on whether we go to the hospital tomorrow night or Wednesday morning.... (we won't consider any other possible outcome at this point.... just cross everything on your body that crosses for us, and hope that we are not cervix challenged come noon tomorrow....)

Jack and I spent our last day alone together doing nothing in particular. Chris the Wonder Plumber managed to dislodge the shave gel lid that has been stuck in our master bathroom toilet for the last 2 months. Yes, for 2 months we have been using the hallway guest bathroom toilet. This is because Jack figured out that if he gets caught doing something naughty, it's more fun to finish up your dirty deed fast and watch momy and daddy freak out when they can't stop you in time... and damned if the kid isn't speedy like a ferret on meth when he wants to be... you've never seen a lid flushed so fast in your life...

Jack pretended to be a puppy for a few hours, and chased me around the house on all-fours trying to lick my shins. He woke up from his nap after just an hour or so crying for a drink of water, which I brought him. He obligingly took it, said "thank you, mommy" and climbed back into bed... at which point I realized I was exhausted, and climbed in with him. We napped together in blissful quiet for nearly an hour, and then he got up and very quietly played while I dozed off and on for another half hour or so. Have I mentioned that I have the most awesome kid in the history of the world? Because... Yeah.. I do.

Here's the tally of "things we normally do, but which took on special significance because it was our last day together before we get this baby-birthing started":
# of diapers changed: 4
# of times we read "Colors with Oswald": 6
# of hugs: a lot, but never enough
# of episodes of SpongeBob watched: 2
# of zerberts: 20 or so
# of times Jack wrote on something he shouldn't have: 3. (once on the little TV with permanent marker, once on the dust jacket to a book with the same marker, and once all over his legs with a ball point pen.)

For all the jangle of nerves I am feeling with the uncertainty ahead (and the certainty of pain to follow...) at this moment in time, I am feeling incredibly lucky to be a Mama. I'll feel even luckier if I manage to sleep 3 consecutive hours tonight without having to get up to pee... but hey, at least tonight I can go in my own potty... it's the little things....

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