Saturday, October 01, 2005

Hurry Up and Wait....

4 days and counting. I have been attempting to keep my days as full as possible in order to keep my ferret-like attention span occupied... so as not to actually FEEL the impatience bubbling just under my calm exterior.

Okay, so the exterior is not so calm, but compared to the interior it's a calm day on a Cayman Beach.

Today we are attempting to polish off any remaining chores, so as to have the house as close to "company condition" as possible. This way, when reinforcements arrive (in the form of Trip's Mama) in a week or so, we will be in need of some sprucing without requiring a full-on Extreme Makeover-style overhaul.

So far, many loads of laundry have been washed, folded, and mostly put away. Dishes have been done, counters have been wiped. I will be doing another vacuum once-over this afternoon (with 2 cats, you can never vacuum too much).

Jack's bedding has been washed and his bed made. Hopefully he manages to keep the party in his diaper between now and Tuesday... he's been swimming in his blankets a few times a week the last month or so. (We moved to the next size of diaper, to no avail.)

The hospital bag is gathered, and this afternoon I will pile my survival kit into the small travel suitcase. It was highly disappointing to find out the hospital doesn't allow Italian Ices during labor.. just plain old ice chips. I've been pondering whether they would allow me to use my ice shaver, so at least I don't chip my teeth while I'm wasting away with low blood sugar on the delivery table. (And hey... if the machine is used to make the odd margarita without my knowledge or consent... I can hardly be held responsible)

SO... the wait continues. All I can say is... Tuesday, you better hurry up and get here... and bring Wednesday with you, huh?? Let's get this show on the road....

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