Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bedtime for Bonzo...

I really wish I could say that something of note happened today. I could tell you that I finally finished the Next Great American Novel (tm). I could say that I did 100 sit-ups and leg lifts until my thighs turned to jelly... or that I suddenly found the answer to unlocking the unified field theory...

But then I'd be a big fat liar.

I did manage to get my walk in... I only did a mile because it was FREAKIN' FREEZING outside, and my knees persist in aching and my hip popped again. I vacuumed the house. I straightened up the main rooms in preparation for the playgroup I'm having here on Thursday. I put away the toys and changed about 15 diapers. I went grocery shopping and made Hamburger Helper for dinner. I drank a Diet Coke.

I think I need an upgrade. Isn't there some sort of chip that can be installed to my brain to help me look at life in a different way -- so I can find fun where there is none? My friend Renae told me about a friend of hers who, when stuck on a 5 hour layover at the airport with her two kids, made up a scavenger hunt to keep the kids entertained. Me? I'm more of the curl up into a ball and curse the fates kinda girl...

And it's midnight. And I'm still awake. Even though I was up at 3am with a screaming 3 month old infant.

Something is fundamentally out of balance with the universe when I'm feeling this much in a rut and it's only Tuesday.



Anonymous said...

mmm. pomegranate.

ps - I love the new comment features, I feel so comfortable here now.. why.. I'm not even taking off my shoes!

MeL said...

You may take off whatever you like.. I'm an equal opportunity nudist...

I drank Pomegranate Cranberry Cocktail the other day. It's very tasty. I bet it would be better mixed with vodka, though. :)