Monday, February 06, 2006

Actual Actualization in Actuality...

Every morning Jack has a Pediasure shake for breakfast. He calls them his "milk shakes" and has a devotion to them akin to the worship some people bestow upon their various deities. The child would go without food or water if we let him, and consume nothing but these thick, vanilla-flavored beverages.

Personally, I don't get the appeal.. but to each his own.

This morning, I poured the shake into a sippy cup and handed it to him. Jack took it with a very polite "thank you"... then pondered a moment and said "Actually, Mommy, I want a cracker" as he pointed at the box of saltines on the counter.

He has never used the word "actually" before. More bizarre is the fact that he used it in the CORRECT WAY.

Added to the fact that we watched Serenity last night, and I'm starting to be convinced that my son is a secret goverment project. I'm just waiting for the subliminal messages in SpongeBob to trigger him into super ass-kicking mode. I can picture the other toddlers on the ground, nursing kicked shins, while he towers over the gruesome scene.


After re-reading the above paragraph, I can't decide if I'm just REALLY sleep deprived or if I should actually start worrying about my mental stability... But don't worry, the voices in my head will give me that answer soon enough. I just wish they wouldn't yell.. I'm not deaf, after all.

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