Friday, February 24, 2006

These Shoes Were Made for Walkin...

The Costco that we go to is part of a trifecta. Costco, Target, and Kohl's department store share one giant parking lot. This entails a very tricky situation, as any of these 3 stores alone is enough to put us in the poor house; together they mean instant death.

Before going on the aforementioned Costco excursion, I stopped into Target with no real list or aim, but a vague notion that JT could use a new pair of jeans and some new shoes. He's been wearing the same "Plaza Sesamo" sneakers for about 6 months now. (he picked them out himself, and they didn't have any english language version ones with Elmo on them. So, no Sesame Street... Plaza Sesamo.)

Target had english language Elmo shoes but JT, being older and more discerning now, shunned those in favor of a pair of shiny new Thomas and Friends sneakers. He immediately realized, to his horror, that he was wearing the toddler equivalent of Last Year's Manolo's and DEAR GOD he had to get them off NOW RIGHT NOW THEY BURN!

I ran distraction while I paid for the new shoes, and before we set off on our Costco adventure he was safely ensconced in his new pair of size 7 and a half sneakers. He wore them in Costco. When we got home, he wouldn't let me take them off.. so he wore them around the house.

When bedtime came, T removed JT's shoes, pulled off his courderoy pants, and changed his diaper. At which point JT went into apoplexy because the shoes were no longer on his feet. So T, being a daddy and somewhat more inclined to sympathy in these situations than I would probably be, put the shoes back on him. At which point JT promptly went to sleep.

I removed the shoes from the sleeping child before going to bed myself, only to be awoken at 6:30 the next morning to wails of "CHOO CHOO SHOES! I NEED CHOO CHOO SHOES! ONNA FEET!"

So he spent the rest of the morning in his shirt, a diaper, and his shoes and socks. I think we got pants on him eventually. At least we've managed to scale down to not actually wearing the shoes in bed... now, they just rest comfortably in a place of honor next to his pillow while he sleeps.

I'm thinking it's safe to say he has his daddy's sense of sentimentality, eh?

Unrelated TM Update: Last night the little angel went back to his old self, at least temporarily. Put him down at 11:30, he woke up at 4am to nurse, went back to sleep and stayed there until 7:30. I actually feel almost human today.


Anonymous said...

So, who is the little cup of PURE JOY in that pic? Some model you hired to pose for you and your blog? How much does that go for and who is his agent?

Final question: do his cheeks taste like whipped cream?

Anonymous said...

OMG, he is SO FRIGGIN CUTE! And OMG dontcha love the urgency they create? At least he resigned himself to having the shoes next to him while he sleeps and not on his feet. LMAO

ninjapoodles said...

Gaccckkkk. *cough, cough* OK, better now. Swallowed my tongue at the sight of that CHILD.

GET HIM THE CHOO-CHOO SHOES NOW. And whatever else he wants!