Monday, February 20, 2006

Pudding the hurt on ya...

Using the leftover rice from dinner to make rice pudding seemed like the wise, frugal, Betty Crocker thing to do. After all, JT turned off the rice cooker half way through and what should have taken half an hour to become sticky white rice ended up taking about 2 hours. How could we not use every last hard-fought grain?

So, all of this seemed like a great idea. That is, up until about 3 minutes ago when I realized I just ate almost an entire cup of rice pudding. Suddenly, I'm having visions of the pidgeons they tell you about -- you know, the "don't throw uncooked rice at weddings because the pidgeons eat it and explode" variety.

You would think I would learn not to overeat. I mean,the leftover Gumbo we ate for dinner was spectacular (in spite of the cat puke incident, and the fact that I burned the bottom of the pot while reheating it.) The rice pudding wasn't even that good -- it always turns out better when T makes it, and he was already headed downstairs to his computer for a night of gaming.

So why oh why did I just turn myself into an overstuffed pidgeon? And how big a mess should I expect when I blow?

And most importantly, when I explode all over the walls of the house, do I have to clean myself up? Eh? EH?! That will keep you up tonight wondering, now, won't it?

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