Saturday, February 25, 2006

F this, that, and the other thing...

F for Food, Friends, and Frickin' Fantastic Fun. Good times, indeed.

T had his annual review this week and, hallelujah, he got a promotion!!! We decided to go out and celebrate with crab legs at a local hole-in-the-wall, but quickly changed our plans after an invitation to party like rock stars with some of the coolest people you could ever hope to meet.

When I say "party like rock stars" I mean, of course, that we stayed up past our bedtime, consumed mass quantities of adult beverages, and talked until our voices gave out. And everyone who reads this is incredibly jealous that I got to spend the evening in the company of this gorgeous woman:See? Told you she's a babe. If I could create the perfect amiga in a lab, she'd be exactly like PK. (But a little less hot because, really, no mother of 3 should be allowed to look that good.) Admit it - you want to lick your monitor, don't you?

PK also happens to be married to T's bizarrely identical non-twin, JK. The four of us mesh so well, I sometimes get the sneaking suspicion I've stumbled into a John Hughes movie. Animated discussion, copious laughs, and no akward lulls in the conversation. What more could a person need in life, really? Well, maybe good food -- which was also had in abundant supply. I think I'm still full from yesterday, but that may be because I about half a cow and a generous portion of snow crab legs.

The kids were harder to please in the food arena, but I ended the night feeling like super-parent when JT consumed half a loaf of zucchini bread he gaffled from the counter. Hey, he stole food with veggies in it -- we called it a nutritious main course and moved on. TM finally settled down after a long evening of watching the big people party and actually slept for about 8 hours. All in all, a win-win of an evening. CONGRATS! to T and THANKS! to the K's for their unprecendented hospitality.


Anonymous said...

Yes, she's pretty. We don't like her. The same can be said for you, Miss SassyPants Mel.

Sounds like a fab time was had by all in your hour of feeling-like-a-real-grown-up. Still waiting for that to happen to me...

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun! I think YOU are hotter. But anyways. Congrats to T on the promotion. =)