Monday, September 18, 2006

Ghana Getcha, Getcha, Getcha....

Yeah, I'm still kinda reeling from the news.... Not sure exactly how I feel about it all yet, but my parents are off on a grand adventure and, really, at nearly 70 how can I *not* be happy that they are finally getting to do something they have always dreamed of? A mission to Ghana... and they will, after all, have internet access so at least we'll be able to keep in touch electronically.

I am, of course, good and sad that I'll have to miss my mom for such a long period. I will miss my weekly phone calls with her, and I had hoped to have here come out when we have our next baby (which won't be any time soon, but very likely will occur before 3 years from now).

On the religious front - going on a mission is not, of course, something I would do for myself... but I totally support my parents in doing what they feel is right for them. Just as I would hope they would do for me. (They survived my tattoo and the revelation that I enjoy my morning cup of coffee, so I think they've held up pretty well so far. Better than I would ever have expected really).

I highly doubt that we will be able to make it out there while they are there -- just too much responsibility here with the boys and the house and T's job and everything. It would be really cool, though. I'd love to capture the sights on film, and maybe do some sketches there.

But also, given the choice and what with my brother moving his family to Rome for 3 years next summer, I have to say I would probably hit Europe before venturing off to the dark continent. I still have "Explore Paris" on my Life Goals Checklist, and I would soo love to check that off whilst sipping cappuccinos in some little french cafe... *sigh* (Nice little daydream, but of course there are no screaming children when I imagine it in my head. The reality would probably be somewhat less romantic, especially since I suspect the french likely don't have those "Koala Kare" changing tables in the restrooms and may frown on small American children who say things like "you want a piece of me?!").

So, to sum up? I'm sad they are leaving, and especially sad it's so soon -- I won't have a chance to see them again before they go -- but I'm happy for them that they have this opportunity to do something so rare and extraordinary in their lives. I would not begrudge anyone that chance, least of all the people I love.

And at least they are going with some friends - friends who have already served a 2-year mission in Ghana and who just got back a year ago. So they will have someone to look after them. I do worry about those parents of mine wandering off into the jungle or the like. Or maybe Mom going into chocolate withdrawals. I may have to fedex her a cocoa IV drip... just to take the edge off from time to time...

And the whole thing inspires me to make sure I don't wait until I'm nearly 70 before having an adventure that sounds half as exciting as living in Africa. Right now I'm honing my skills in the SAHM department (which is to say I'm constantly seeking new ways to maintain an IQ over 80 in my conversation and waging my own personal war against "mom jeans" and the cable knit sweater). And prepping Jack for preschool - he lately learned to use the potty for all the right purposes and is now looking forward to terrorizing adults beyond the ones who are related to him.

And for now those goals are right and proper. And as long as I get my next piece of ink and manage to sow a few seeds of revolution at the mommy meet-ups from time to time, I think this will be enough to tide me over until I the kiddos are old enough to appreciate going with on grand adventures. Or old enough to drop off for a while with adoring grandparents.

Maybe even ones who can regale them with tales of their adventures in Africa...

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow to your parents. Amazing. Yea for Jack and potty training and preschool. We are wagering enrolling Miah next year in private school, the application process is fun to say the least! Matt lived in Holland for awhile, lived and worked with the natives, visited Paris etc...he has promised Jessica he will take her one day. I on the other hand have no sense of adventure; besides I get all the adventure I can handle around here :)