Monday, September 11, 2006

Insanity Unleashed

We aspire to take the chaos in our lives to that next level. Regular old "dizzy and nauseated chaos" just wasn't... chaotic enough. Apparently? We need to be the Emperors of CrazyTown...

And so, may I present - for your viewing pleasure - the newest member of the team:

Master "Django McQueen De Mardi Gras", Esq.

Affectionately, "Gizmo".

99.99% American Boxer, .01% pure evil.

But he's the cute kind of evil, so he fits right in. And he naps on my feet while I blog, which totally solves the problem generated by the final breakdown of my fuzzy slippers.

He also, so far, is extraordinarily gentle with both cats and children, and follows us around like a... well, like a puppy. He's curious in the extreme and loves to cuddle (especially when rewarded with liver snaps.) He also enjoys long walks and parcheesi, and his turnoffs include wet grass and anyone who does not give him liver snaps.

And so far? Just going out to take him to do his business has gotten me out of the house more in 2 days than I have in the last month or so. All I can say about that is... I think Gizmo is probably exactly what this family needed.

Even if he has already pooped on the rug in enough quantity to make me suspect he may have eaten a small village somewhere in Amish Country before we got him. If he coughs up a linen bonnet I am SO calling for an old priest and a young priest and a gallon of holy water.


Anonymous said...

My brother has 2 boxers and 2 kids (the boxers came first). They are darling dogs... a lot of work but darling. And if he's getting you more fresh air than he's worth the higher level chaos...

Sara said...

Welcome! Welcome to the world of dogs and kids, it is exciting. Might I suggest you get another dog, cause lord knows the chaos factor is outstanding with that!! Cute puppy and wonderful breed, you make my mutts look so unrefined lol. But I loves me mutts :)

Anonymous said...

Ahh, how cute.

My pup's name is Gizmo too. The first six months were like having just had a newborn baby, but it was all worth it. Just like all three of my kids LOL.