Friday, June 08, 2007

Europa? But I Hardly Knows Ya!

So this new job? The one T will be starting in just a few weeks? It holds the possibility of a move to Europe sometime in the next year.

The few people I have mentioned this to have generally responded with a wide-eyed "Wow! How do you feel about that? With two little kids?!" followed by a 'oh, you poor, misguided soul' stare upon hearing that I would actually prefer such a move.

I have always wanted to visit Europe. Given that I have not yet had the opportunity, it may seem a bit... optimistic... to declare that I am ready to actually live there, in a foreign culture, far away from all friends and family.

Well, not all. My brother's family will be in Rome for the next 3 years, and if we actually make it across the pond? I fully intend to subject the effervescent C.L. ( of Letters From A Broad) to my presence at least once or twice. Beyond that, though, it would be light years away from anything I have thus far experienced.

T has been to Europe several times. His favorite spot, by far, was Amsterdam. Swans meandering through the canals, beautiful architecture, incredibly friendly populace. He assures me it is romantic in the extreme, with bicycling couples (on individual bikes, not the cheezy ones for two) holding hands as they cruise along the boulevard.

So is it any wonder that I'm having a teensy-weensy pity party for myself, stuck in this state of hopeful insecurity about the tantalizing prospect of a European move? I mean, really. Mighty Girl is headed back to Amsterdam (with her husband and, of course, Mighty Baby) after going last year with Bloggers In Amsterdam. With my few dozen or so regular readers (not including the unexpected thousands who found themselves dazed and confused when stumbling here from Gawker that one time) I do not rate a seat at the popular kids' lunch table.

While the really cool bloggers were sitting at the awesomeness table and getting a free trip to Nirvana, I was sent packing to once again eat lunch at my locker with my trusty, dog-eared copy of Nicholas and Alexandra. (True story: That's actually how I spent lunch during my entire Sophomore year of high school. Yes, I really was that big a dork. Please don't pretend to be surprised.)

So Holland tourism board? If you happen to decide to do that whole free trip thing again, and you find you are having trouble finding one last blogger to fill that last spot? (Because everyone knows there is, like, such a shortage of bloggers out there...)

All's I'm sayin' is... If you wanna come barking up this here tree? I am totally your girl.


Anonymous said...

T mentioned the possibility of this move when I was chatting with him a couple of weeks ago. FWIW, I'll tell you the same thing I told him, but in sort of different words, I guess:

I think it's effing spectacular! Besides the obvious - namely, that you'd get to live somewhere WAY cooler than here and much, much closer to Amsterdam, which happens to be my favorite place in the whole world, and I include the places I've never seen because there's simply no way I could love them more than I love Amsterdam and in fact the Netherlands in general - besides all that, it'll help Jack and Toby gain a bigger, better perspective on the world than we insular, provincial Americans have. It would push you right to and then over the top of the Awesome Parents Scale.

Besides, you wouldn't be living or raising your kids in West By God Virginia. ;o)

'Scuse me for being so effusive there. I can't help it when I hear about a thing as good as this.

Allie said...

What else is there to say? Robin seems to have said it all. I haven't been to Amseterdam, so I can't agree or disagree with him there, but Europe is amazing, and it would be a fabulous experience for you, and very educational for the the boys. It takes you even further away from me, which is my selfish reason for not wanting you to go, but really, if the opportunity presents itself, I'll be the first one to kiss you goodbye and send you packing!

Anonymous said...

Allie - it sucks that they might be on the other side of the Atlantic, but look at it this way: you can visit Mel and experience yet more of Europe all at the same time. Really, what could be more rewarding?

And actually, I'm a her. ;o)

C. L. Hanson said...

Wow, how exciting!!! I can't wait to meet you!!!