Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Aum Parenting. Don't Try This At Home.

Having been a single mother for almost 2 weeks now (Hi Honey! Buy me something pretty in Prague! Like a handsome Czech manny!!!! (male nanny) Kthxbye!)

Yeah, so it's safe to say that the Zen has been decidedly absent from my own particular parenting zoo this week. Case in point: I once again emoted on my poor hair. This time, I dyed it a lovely shade of medium-chestnut brown with auburn-ish hilights, and it's actually quite lovely, so that's not such a bad thing. Right? Wrong. You see, after dying and drying, I found my neck was all sweaty and the one longer layer in the back was sticking to it and making me too incredibly hot and sticky and I'm hoping this run-on sentence will distract you from the fact that I then reached back and snipped off a half inch or so of hair from my own head. It's actually pretty straight, so it could be much, much worse, but for the record - I do not recommend cutting your own hair in a fit of freak-out-ish-ness. It's not for the faint of heart.

Have I mentioned I'm not going to blogher? Oh, I have? Well, how about in the last 24 hours? No? Okay. So, I'm not going to blogher. But I am at least going to book a nice long pedicure and massage or something when T gets back into town. Or I'm going to spend a month on a commune, growing veggies in the sunshine and reading. I haven't decided which. I'm leaning towards the former, though, as my feet are in dire need of some serious attention. There have been rumors of a neighborhood petition to ban me from wearing sandals outright. It's not pretty, baby.

So pretty much I'm hanging onto sanity by a thread at this point. I'm more anxious than ever to find out about the Prague move on way or another, because if we are not headed to points European as a family, we are at least headed someplace that gives me access to civilization. Preferably, someplace in striking distance of a Metro station - I have not been to downtown DC in so long, I really couldn't tell you when it was. And some small part of me? She needs Georgetown with its snobby vintage shops and funky jewelry stores, Adams Morgan and its spectacular Ethiopian food (Hello Meskerem!), and even the National Zoo. Those silly pandas and their shenanigans...

3 more days. Then? I can go back to being only partially insane, instead of the raving lunatic I have become. A little sanity goes a long way, my friends. Especially when it comes to child rearing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My little sanity HAS gone a loooooong way! So hang in there. Wait until the boys are grown and you'll find you miss the slobbery kisses and sticky hugs and totally trusting eyes and even the quad-zillion questions far more than you miss the funky jewelry stores and far-out restaurants - and you have your own little zoo right now!! "To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven" - the trick is to enjoy each season before it is gone. (I've found that chocolate helps!)