Friday, July 13, 2007

One Word Meme

Spotted on CurlyGirl. Shamelessly borrowed (Nobody tagged me. Because nobody EVER tags me. Except with the Thinking Blogger award, which I never managed to give away, because everyone I would have given it to had already got it, as far as I could tell.) I have a lot of exposition in there, don't I? That's why it's good this is the ONE WORD meme.

1. Where is your cell phone? purse

2. Relationship? spectacular!

3. Your hair? faded

4. Work? never!

5. Your sister? which?

6. Your favorite thing? sleeping!

7. Your dream last night? none

8. Your favorite drink? Coffee

9. Your dream car? 442

10. The room you’re in? kitchen

11. Your shoes? none!

12. Your fears? death

13. What do you want to be in 10 years? thin

14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? family

15. What are you not good at? living

16. Muffin? bran

17. One of your wish list items? time

18. Where you grew up? California

19. Last thing you did? dishes

20. What are you wearing? clothes

21. What aren’t you wearing? lipstick

22. Your pet? obnoxious

23. Your computer? Dell

24. Your life? insane

25. Your mood? exhausted

26. Missing? Husband!

27. What are you thinking about right now? sleep

28. Your car? minivan!

29. Your kitchen? rules

30. Your summer? vanishing

31. Your favorite color? green

32. Last time you laughed? today

33. Last time you cried? dunno

34. School? someday

35. Love? surrounded!

There. Now I tag Allie, Stitches, and 1LDSmom. I've shown you mine now, ladies. Time to show me yours... *grin*

1 comment:

Shannon said...

How do I answer the tag? Yes, I am a computer dummy.