Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tomorrow is Christmas, It's Practically Here!

Tomorrow my husband comes home. In my world, this is much cooler than Christmas. In fact, if you wanted to combine Christmas, New Year's Eve, July Fourth, and my Birthday all into one uber-holiday, still this would not come close to the unadulterated joy that I am anticipating on seeing my man.

In spite of the fact that we have not had an actual evening out all alone since... um... wait, wait.. I know we've had at least one since Toby was born... I suppose last year's Office Christmas Party? Yeah, that would be last December. Merciful heaven, I really should stop trying to remember that, because it's really too depressing to fathom.

BUT! I digress!

In spite of this, we somehow manage to be ridiculously happy and in love. (If you just threw up a little - in your mouth - just then? You should probably stop reading now, as this is only going to get more syrupy.) (It's my blog, I'm allowed.)

When I was a little girl, imagining what it would be like to be married, not a single one of those naive fantasies even came close to the real thing. Instead of the galant white knight who worships the ground I walk on? I got a guy with a sense of humor who does dishes and changes diapers.

Okay, so he worships the ground I walk on, too. But, really, after a few babies? That whole "Does dishes" thing? That's about as sexy as it gets. Like female Viagra, but better (and completely minus the risk for priapism).

We laugh at the same things. We're both obsessed with "So You Think You Can Dance". We're both also obsessed with good food - the more exotic, the better, as long as the taste blows the mind. He bathes the kids, and even though I give him a hard time for having a seat and reading the latest issue of "Wired" while the kids splash around in the tub, he really does get them washed and into their jammies and ready for me to tuck into bed with a kiss and a pat.

After two whole weeks of parenting without a partner, I have realized just how much I depend on him to help me keep this place running. I have also realized how much I depend on him to keep ME running - to keep me sane, and fill my days with laughter and insightful commentary on this mad old world we live in.

And so it is, with heart in throat, that I have realized once again just how fracking lucky I really am. With my Grandma in the hospital, everything we have been through the last weeks and months, and my last nerve beginning to fray as I clean up the second broken glass and third pile of animal vomit, I pause to consider that I have every reason to be a total wreck at this point.

Every reason but one. And in a few hours, he'll be winging his way homeward with stories and presents and one of his world-famous bear-hugs.

Everything is going to be just fine.


Redsy said...

Wow. Darling. You are an inspiration. I'm jealous


mames said...

found you via mighty girl, i love this past. it is so awesome that there are women out there celebrating their man. i felt every bit of what you were writing. and, yeah, i feel the same about my guy. he changes diapers with ease, despite the occasional gagging reflex. no choice with twins. gotta' love 'em.