Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Let the photos do the talking...

Living somewhat in the country, as we do, means the chance to attend a real, country, county fair. After waiting out several days of thunderstorms (during which the parking lot at the fair apparently turned to quicksand and required tow trucks to get the cars free) we were able to drive in on relatively dry roads and enjoy the incredibly humid experience. Jack rode rides, the kids tasted funnel cake and corn dogs and other artery-clogging goodness. The end of summer, marked appropriately. If we stick around here, it might need to be a new tradition.

I have a lot to talk about, including the possibility that I might go to my 10-year reunion after all (yes, I know, I already decided definitely not to go. But then San Francisco started messing with my head, promising sourdough goodness and a visit to china town....). Also? All of T's business travel means that I could get a big chunk of the airfare paid for with his points. You see my dilemma?

I spent a novel-esque afternoon at the home of my mentor and friend, Nancy - violin teacher extraordinaire - which I will detail for you later. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life, and is probably best recounted after a decent night's sleep. I hope to achieve a restful sleep once my allergies subside (thanks to the rain, and subsequent re-blooming of every pollen source in the immediate area...)

But, for the present, in lieu of actual wit or wisdom, I present PHOTOS. Because I finally found the cable to download them from the crappy camera. Still working on that battery charger for the DSLR....

Happy Wednesday!

My Man Candy.

Looking so much like their father that, if I didn't have the stretch marks to prove they're mine, I'd wonder who he got to mother them.

Toby, reminding me why I have to nibble on his face at least once a day.

The most recent hair. Also? Beginning to look my age - and not in the good way.

A good reason to get up in the morning, no? Of course, this was seconds before Tobin not-so-gently removed himself from his brother's embrace and smacked Jack over the head.
Good times.


Allie said...

Jack does indeed look mostly like T, but come on now, Tobi is a Rees if I've ever seen one. (And I've seen WAY more than one!)
Cute pics, MeL.

Anonymous said...

You went and got ice cream at that little place across from the old train station in Harper's Ferry, the one with Coke paraphernalia everydamnwhere, didn't you?

Also, please don't ever refer to T as "man candy" where I can see it. It's disturbing. ;O)

Nats said...

Mel you make me want to cut my hair short! Especially with how hot its been here.