Thursday, August 23, 2007

Name That Line

"Baby Chimp! Take the banana out of your ear!"

If you can name this line? Then you - too - are watching entirely too much kid television. Plus, the lispy duck kinda bothers me. I mean, Ming-Ming is cute and all, don't get me wrong, but since Jack already turns all his L's to W's, I'm thinking it might be best to avoid cartoon animals with speech impediments. (It sounds reawy reawy cute and awl, but I suspect we're going to need a speech therapist before too much wonger...)

I always thought I'd be good at limiting my kids television intake. I mean, Toby is not yet 2, and of course now there's all those reports that TV will make your child's brain explode if they even glimpse it before their second birthday. T3H TV IS H4X0R3D YOUR BABY BRAINZ LOLZ etc etc etc.

Then again, I suppose that my Mother of the Year trophy is safely FUBAR. I base this on the fact that both children are in their pajama tops with no pants, Toby's diaper looks like it might just blow at any second, and the dog is enthusiastically chewing on a toy car. Me? I'm scribbling in my notebook and taking this moment to record it all for posterity.

Photos of the chaos will follow eventually, if I can ever find the cord for the crappy camera because, of course, the good camera is still in need of a new battery charger.

So, to recap: Mother of the Year - NO. Excuse Maker of the Year - Still definitely in the running.


Delton said...

I know what you mean. When I started posting about our family vacation, I so wanted to title the post "We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship!" But then I remembered the couple of childless readers I have and knew they'd have no clue what I was talking about!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that to much TV is all that bad. At 2 1/2 T knew all the characters from King of the Hill, and Little E is at this moment trying to identify all the different Sesame Street characters. So far they are all either Elmo, Telly, or Ernie. But we're getting there. And if it makes you feel better, I'm probably not going to get Mother of the Year either.

Anonymous said...

Hey - I knew I had heard that line but couldn't remember where. My dh (who works at home with our kids) knew it immediately. I may contest you for the excuse maker honor though.

Mocha said...

Nah, didn't know the line. Only because my kids are older.

Perhaps I should insert an excuse here: umm...I just watched Monsters, Inc. last night with my boys.

So that Excuse Maker is up for grabs.