Sunday, November 28, 2004

Just slip a sable under the tree.... [ARCHIVE]

As I was cloistered away upstairs wrapping presents contemplating the origins of the universe, I began to consider several things about Christmas. Jack will be 17 months old this Christmas -- still too young to really get excited and understand the orgy of greed that awaits him.

His big gift this year (and it's a whopper!) is labeled "from Daddy and Mommy". As I stared at the finished product, blue santa paper and its big red bow, I realized that by next year Jack will be old enough to begin to understand the concept of Santa Claus; he will begin his initiation into all the magic that goes along with a big jolly guy in a red suit whose sole purpose in the world is to bring you presents on that one magical night of the year.

As I think back to Christmases past, I remember a few things...things that have suddenly come sharply into focus... things that will become very important by this time next year.

Santa wants you to be good. He's making a list, he's checking it twice, and he's gonna find out if you've been naughty or nice. Santa understands the concept of action and consequence; if you hit your sister and break her doll he may bring you a big lump of coal to remind you that you should be nicer to her. If you tell her she's a tuna-fish-bottom, he may bring you just one My Little Pony instead of the whole Pony Stable Salon that you asked him for.

Santa will not come to your house if you are awake. He's very sneaky that way, and though he got caught by that guy in "Twas the Night Before Christmas", he would never dream of letting a kid get a look at him in action. Put your milk and cookies out, don't forget the apple (or carrot) for rudolph to share with his reindeer buddies, and if you like you can get fancy and sprinkle a little of this Magic Reindeer Food on the lawn to make certain those flying quadripeds find their way to your house... Then proceed directly to your bed. I suggest bringing a copy of the most boring book in the world with you. This will help guarantee a speedy trip to slumberland.

Santa has his own very cool (and VERY different from mom and dad's) wrapping paper. He never, ever, buys the same gift wrap as mom and dad. I suspect he has a whole elf division dedicated solely to the manufacture of his very special gift wrap.

Most important of all, Santa gives the best presents. Mom and Dad always give very practical gifts, like a sweater or an electric toothbrush. This is because Moms and Dads are very practical people, which is good because it means you can always depend on them to take care of you and be there when you really NEED them. Santa knows this, and so Santa is not worried about what you need. No, Santa is dedicated entirely and completely to the thing that your little heart desires most at that moment.

Santa also puts the final touch on the advent calendar, and always leaves a thank you note for the milk and cookies. He sometimes even jostles the christmas village, just a little, when climbing out of the fire place. Santa never forgets to put a sunkist orange in the toe of your stocking.

The world is a very uncertain and, at times, unfair and scary place. At Christmas, however, the rules of the universe bend (including the space-time continuum, allowing Santa to make his quick trans-global route on time), and for one brief moment we can be impractical, inspired people who believe that our wishes really can - and sometimes do - come true. We believe that vertically challenged little people hand-craft toys and wonders just for us, and a benevolent man with questionable fashion sense and high cholesterol lives only to spread joy to children everywhere. We believe that a reindeer's nose lights the night sky and that Santa squeezes his considerable girth down that chimney to unload his bounty from a magical sack.

As I look at my little son and watch him learn, one by one, the universal truths (like socks are slippery on the linoleum floor) I realize how important it is to me that he feels that same sense of wonder and possibility. It will be strange, I think, to sit by and watch my son marvel at the generosity of this stranger we allow into our home every year without question. After all, I'm his mom. I change his diapers, cook his meals, clean his room, wipe his nose, band-aid his ouchies... with nary a thanks.

I look again at the big, bright package with Jack's name on it and realize that next year Santa will be the man of the hour, the one to bask in the glory of making a child's dreams come true... while I will need to do some serious research into a good electric toothbrush, and maybe some orthopedic shoes.

So, please, allow me to say Thank you, Santa, for making so many of my little-girl dreams come true and for all the magic of Christmas...and, from the bottom of my heart, Thanks for the Sweaters, Mom and Dad.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Chaos and Destruction [ARCHIVE]

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.....
- The computer pukes and loses all my email
- The hard drive crashes and takes with it many many important files
- Jack gets a cold, gets better, then gets a seriously high fever at 6pm on a Sunday (103.5F), necessitating a trip to the emergency room and an all-night mambo of rotating motrin and tylenol

BUT the good news is... the wireless internet is working (in spite of the other computer wonkyness) so I can update you on all this... and Jack appears to be on the mend, thanks to continued analgesic therapy and some very powerful amoxicillin. Heartfelt thanks go out to Dr. Jordan at Jefferson Memorial, who didn't look at us funny when our kid had an ear infection so severe we had to be dim-witted not to notice it sooner. Once we explained that his arm could be on fire and Jack would simply cackle madly and give you an eskimo kiss, Dr. Jordan was very kind and didn't seem to look on us as The Worst Parents In The Universe(tm).

SO... we are trying to get things in order, get the little man all better, and get ourselves back to an even keel... which won't be easy since Trip is currently in bed with a sore throat that descended upon him beginning at about 3 this afternoon. Hopefully it's nothing serious, and he will be feeling better tomorrow, or soon thereafter, which brings us to the next bit of news....

The Turducken has been ordered. I repeat, Turducken is incoming. Yep, the order was placed today for this cajun delicacy, which will shortly be wending its way to Lincolnton, NC, just in time for our Thanksgiving adventure down there in order to consume it. MMMMM For the uninitiated, Turducken is comprised of a deboned chicken with cornbread stuffing which is stuffed into a deboned duck, which is then put (along with some cajun sausage) into a mostly deboned Turkey (they leave the wings and drumsticks for presentation). This whale of a meal is then carved into slices and served up as the main course. It's a first for the Kistler family, and I'll report back on how it goes over.

Oh, and before I forget... a BIG thanks goes out to Kerri, Brian, and Abby for having Jack and I down to their new Charlottesville pad. The house is awesome, the property is beautiful, and Cville coffee may just be my new Mecca. Thanks for the yummy brunswick stew (which was awesome, in spite of the "gumbo incident") and for the General Tso's chicken... you can't beat good chinese takeout. Jack and I appreciated the adventure and the break from our routine. It was great to see you guys. Next time, we'll have to bring Trip, too.... and we can't wait until you can come see our new place, too!

And on that note, a very tired but hopeful me is headed to bed.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Welcome [ARCHIVE]

Welcome to the new family journal. We liked the old journal, but as there was no cgi or style sheets allowed on that server, updating the content was a bit tedious and involved entirely too much use of the windows notepad. If this all sounds like a foreign language, suffice it to say it was a lot more work to put stuff up on the old page, and this will be substantially more convenient. Amen.

I am also lifting the curtain today... yes, it was I, Mel, who was the "we" behind the journal. That was getting more difficult as time went by, as it left me somewhat limited in expressing myself through some of our experiences. ("we" thought Trip was being incredibly silly...just doesn't come across correctly.) SO, as of today I will be pulling aside the curtain of mystery and writing as myself. Trip may also update from time to time as himself. Isn't it just a lovely, closed system? And all of this was made possible through our final installation of the wireless gateway in the basement. This means I am coming to you now from the comfort of the kitchen. Those of you who have been to our house and know where the office is (and how difficult to contain a small child there) probably realize that, before the wonder of wireless gave me this freedom, the computer was a "perhaps once a day if Jack is napping and the stars are aligned" activity. I am now able to check email with some regularity and keep an eye on cooking food and active child at the same time.

So... Ahem... well, it's a funny day to be doing this since nothing particularly extraordinary has happened so far today. Then again, what's normal around here may qualify as extraordinary in some circles... Jack just finished a breakfast of 2 scrambled eggs, a slice of buttered toast, and a half cup of milk. He will probably be back in half an hour for a mid-morning snack. The child is a bottomless pit, but somehow he seems to be getting only taller and thinner. It boggles the mind.

Jack has also learned 2 new skills. 1) he has learned to run. not just walk fast or wiggle while he walks, but RUN... and 2) I just watched him walk, for the first time, across the kitchen on his tippy-toes. Really on his tippy-toes. I have no idea where he learned this.

Any road, WELCOME to the new BLOG. Hopefully it will be more informative and entertaining than the old one.

Friday, September 24, 2004

14 Months Old! [ARCHIVE]

Jack is exactly 14 months old today... and the time has flown! We are settling in to life here in West VA, and we LOVE our new house. Jack is so happy to have room to play!!!

He has already had visits from BOTH sets of grandparents (a surprise one from my parents, who flew out from Utah) and we have started to make some friends in the neighborhood. It has been a big adjustment for T, but with some books on tape he is turning his morning commute into an educational experience.

SO, all is well, it seems, in our little world. Jack has taken his first steps and we are waiting to see if he will get walking sorted out in time to greet Trick-Or-Treaters on Halloween. Keep your fingers crossed, and hopefully I'll updating more often now as things have settled down a good bit..

Monday, August 02, 2004

What a difference a year makes... [ARCHIVE]

Jack celebrated his first birthday on July 24, and a grand time was had by all at his fiesta. He got lots of great gifts, and is currently working feverishly to finish his thank you cards. Thanks to everyone who joined us to celebrate!

Jack celebrated his own birthday by giving his parents a gift. On Sunday, July 25, Jack stood on his own two feet - unassisted!!! Walking is soon to follow, so the move is coming not a moment too soon - just in time for him to have a playroom to run wild in. *grin*

Packing continues for the move on Saturday. We settled on our house one week ago, and as of Saturday we will take posession. (assuming we can get everything packed and moved in time.) I will make updates as they become available, but if any local muscle is available to lift boxes and heft furniture onto the U-Haul truck, we'll make itmore than worth your while in pizza and beer.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Upon the Dawn of Chaos [ARCHIVE]

I have an odd habit. When I am overwhelmed or feeling especially stressed, I tend to emote upon my hair. Hence, the above photo. Black is the one color I hadn't tried out yet, so here it is. It may not last long, but it's kicky for the moment.

Jack is pulling up on everything in sight, and has learned to use his finger to make his lips go "bububububububub". It gives us no end of hilarity. His first birthday is coming up, and our little man is very excited to be 1. I have no idea where the last year has gone.. but gone it has. Hopefully by the next one, life will be a bit less frantic... I can hope, anyway. (Don't burst my bubble... yet. Allow me to live in my little fantasy land where life will some day be a little easier. Thank you.)

Sunday, June 27, 2004

There's No Place Like It... [ARCHIVE]

Well, it looks like our little family may have found a place to hang our respective hats. (T's is a Corvette baseball cap, mine is a courderoy fisherman's hat, and Jack's is an imaginary one, as he refuses to wear hats.)

We have a contract on a house in Charles Town, WV. Yes, we are moving to West Virginia. Yes, we know this means we will now be the butt of all family jokes, and our family tree is supposed to now become a single branch, etc etc etc. Mock away, people, we will still have a beautiful home in a historic part of America where the taxes are low, the quality of living is high, and you can actually see STARS at night. We are quite apoplectically happy about the whole thing - just in case anyone cares.

You can now feel free to click here (Link Removed) for photos of the new house. The smaller ones were "borrowed" from the realtor, since we missed taking a few key photos ourselves during the inspection (which by the way went very very very extreIy well, in case anyone was interested.) We'll keep you posted as details unfold, but it looks like we will be closing at the end of July and moving sometime the beginning of August. Anyone who wants free food in exchange for painting services may contact us at the regular address and/or phone. Thanks for all the support in this long process, and we hope to send out our change of address cards in the very near future!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Waiting for a shoe to drop... [ARCHIVE]

Spring has sprung, and it is feeling more like August than May this week. Temperatures the last 2 days have been up to 90 degrees! That's not exactly a complaint, but what happened to just *warm* spring days and gentle breezes? Ah well...

We are still anxiously awaiting the moment when Jack figures out the mechanics of this crawling business; he is still rocking like a mad man. Between rolling and swiveling, he manages to get where he wants to go.

I celebrated my first Mother's Day this past Sunday, and was treated to sleeping-in followed by a fantastic cookout at T's parents' house.

That's about all the concrete news for now.... but things are going well here. We're content, and we're busy. What more could I ask for?

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Rock...Don't Run... [ARCHIVE]

The last week has been a "eureka" for our little Jack Thomas. As many of you know, he will be 9 months old in just 10 days. He has been sitting up, rail straight, since he was about 4 months old... he learned to roll from front to back, then from back to front... but would do so only very rarely. We weren't worried... not really. But we did wonder if Jack-the-amazing-wonder-baby was perhaps lacking in motivation to get mobile. Then, when we were least expecting it, our little man pulled a fast one. Literally. He figured out how to push up on his hands and scoot backwards. Within hours, he was backward-scooting across great distances.

SO, as of Monday, he had pulled up onto his knees and could perch on all fours. Then, yesterday, with much ado and fanfare, he started rocking. For those of you unfamiliar with the progression of man on the road to biped, this means in the next week or two we can expect a whole new world to open up for the man as he begins to officially crawl.

We will now kill the fatted sweet potato, and there shall be much rejoicing throughout the land....and much purchasing of baby gates, and electrical outlet covers, and toilet seat locks, and corner pads, and.......

Thursday, April 01, 2004

We're Expecting... Again!!! [ARCHIVE]

In case the above title caught your attention, may I please call your attention to the date. April Fool's! Heh. Okay, Moms, you can stop hyperventilating now. Really....I was just kidding.

I promise.

The big news of the week (maybe even the year...) is that T has just accepted an offer to work for (INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER)!! We're quite ecstatic around here, as this means his commute will be cut down from 90 minutes each way to about 15 minutes... he will no longer be on perpetual business travel.. and there is potential for growth and advancement in his new position! This is all very very good stuff, in case you missed that point. *grin*

In other news, we took a little trip downtown on Sunday to see the cherry blossoms, which were fantastic. We meant to go last year, but between the pregnancy and the rain, it was a scratched idea. This year was truly spectacular, though, and we enjoyed the day out as a family.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The Weather Is Confused [ARCHIVE]

One week ago the weather was nice, beautiful even. The sun was shining, it was nearly 60 degrees, and it seemed for all the world as if spring was finally going to make an appearance and put an end to the long, gray winter. Alas, it was not to be. Today.. it snowed.

T spent 2 weeks in Montgomery, AL, on business.... so Jack and I were tucked safely away at home (except on the nice days.. those days made for excellent stroller weather, and were taken full advantage of.) He finally made it home, and our little family is reunited at last. We have been enjoying having Trip home (he took a few days off so as to reacquaint himself with his son.) and we are all settling back into being a family unit.

Spring always seems like a time for new beginnings, but this year things are in a bit of a rut for our little family. Ah well... perhaps there is a fresh start just around the corner and out of sight. We can always hope. Now, if this dreary winter weather will kindly GO AWAY (thank you.)... then we can get on with the business of enjoying a new year. I'm ready for the sun shine!

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Cabin Fever [ARCHIVE]

January is nearly at an end.. but winter, it seems, is just beginning. With the snow piling up outside and the ice growing thicker and thicker, it seems we can plan to spend more quiet evenings at home with a warm beverage and lots of blankets. Thank heavens for warm winter socks.

We plod onward, but nary a bit of news to report. Life has settled into the snuggly grasp of the cold, and we spend most of our time enjoying each others' company while huddled together for warmth. (literally.) We are still anxiously awaiting the eruption of Jack's second bottom incisor, which is stubbornly refusing to come through. This, of course, makes for some stressful and fussy evenings, but all in all he's still the coolest baby around.

We hope everyone is staying warm. Don't forget to give us a call or drop us a line - we may be hermits, but we're not entirely adverse to outside company. :)

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Taking a bite out of... [ARCHIVE]

Well, of whatever he wants to, eventually. Yes, Jack's first tooth broke through yesterday with no fanfare and very little incident. He spent a few snuggly days feeling a bit off, but that was about it. We kept waiting for the uncontrollable screaming, the inconsolable sobbing that so many have warned us accompanies the eruption of the first sharp little incisor, but our amazing son amazed us yet again... and now, there is a sharp little white corner on his bottom gums. Hooray for Jack!

T is still working and, after a brief lull at the end of 2003, he is back to travelling near and far in pursuit of customer satisfaction. We're not sure of the connection.

I am enjoying being a "mostly" stay at home Mom, working one day a week at the hospital and otherwise catering to our little dictator's beck and call. Okay, so he's a benevolent dictator, but we all know who's really the boss at our house, and he wears the (velcro-closing, disposable) pants in this family.