Friday, February 10, 2006


I just had a rendez-vous with a man named John... Papa John, to be exact. God, I love pizza.

I just heard it's supposed to snow through the weekend. This is not great news, as we have not one but TWO birthday parties to attend tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the weather holds until Sunday. After that, it can snow as much as it likes. In fact, that would be great -- I'd love to have T working from home for a few days.

Thank Goodness It's Friday. At least we'll have a few days to enjoy each other's company, and torment the children. And What Not To Wear just started, so I'm going to go get my fix. I am totally addicted, in spite of the fact that I have The Fear that someone will nominate me for the show. Not that they would pick me, thank God. I've never even been picked for jury duty (*knock-on-wood*) let alone for something that involves the ability to spend someone else's five thousand bucks.

1 comment:

Danae said...

Dude!! One of the attorneys I work with has a daughter who was just on that show!! Well, her particular show hasn't aired yet, but she just got back from New York and all the shopping stuff and they had the big reveal with her family and friends last week. Scott (her father/attorney) invited us all to come along and be there... but I gracefully declined being on National T.V. I do enough stupid things in my life without someone poking fun at what I'm wearing!! Not to mention the camera adds ten pounds.

If I can find out the date her show airs, I'll let you know so you can see it. :)