Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hearts and Handle Bars...

First off, thanks for the lovefest of comments. It comes as something of a shock that the smoke signals I'm sending off into the ether are actually reaching anyone. Even moreso, I'm still wrapping my brain around the idea that y'all might be enjoying what I have to say. Then again, it may be more along the lines of slowing down at a car accident -- you know we all do it -- give in to that irresistable urge to stare at disasters. And "Disaster" is so appropos a descriptive for this little redhead.

Oh, and speaking of disasters... here is my missive for this morning:

My husband has a cute little tradition. Every year, over the Christmas Holidays, he takes a break from shaving. This way, when he returns to work after the first of the year, he has a nice full beard.

Aside: T's heritage is mostly Swiss, but there's some Native American mixed in and the combination somehow came out looking vaguely Arab. His dark complexion and the copius nature of his facial growth have, on more than one occassion, caused him to get funny looks at the airport. And though it's supposed to be random, I swear he's been flagged for a "random check" 90% of the times he has been through airport security since 2001. At least I was finally able to convince him to get rid of his cargo pants with the urban camo print.

Anyway, typically the beard stays until sometime in March. This year, however, he decided to trim it up a little early. I filled up his travel mug with coffee and met him at the front door. He had been up in the bathroom finishing up with getting ready for work. For the life of me, I can't determine what he was thinking when he did THIS to himself:

I'm not sure if it's truly a handle-bar mustache, or more of a reverse-mohawk goatee... But as he walked out to the car, I couldn't help but call out (In my best imitation of an Anna Nicole Smith Texas Drawl)

"Ah Luv Yew, Cletis!"

I'm not sure what they'll think at his office... My best advice was to tell them he lost a bet.

The saving grace, however, is that he swore he would shave the rest off tomorrow morning. I think I would have a difficult time kissing him very often if I have to include the caterpillar.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. That is an interesting choice. Sorry you gotta look at that chica!

Anonymous said...

oh mah gawd. I can't believe you let him out of the house like that ;-)

poor t. poor, poor t.

ninjapoodles said...

He is adorable, though. Now we need a shaven pic!