Saturday, February 04, 2006

Step Into The Freezer...

Today we became the proud owners of 9 cubic feet of Icy Cold Freezer. This is fantastic, as I now have room to actually make use of the bulk frozen foods section at Costco.

Not to mention it's a handy place to store the bodies while we figure out where to bury them.

Which reminds me of a bumper sticker my friend Natalie had on the wall of her apartment at BYU..

"Friends help you move. True Friends help you move the bodies."

Which is neither here nor there, really, but just thinking of it makes me miss Nat and some of those wild nights at clubs in Salt Lake City. (Yes, there were clubs in Salt Lake City - even before the olympics.) In fact, I have to confess that I once made out with a complete stranger on one of those excursions. It was a one-time foible on my part - so much so, in fact, that I still remember the details -- his name was Nathan and he was in the navy. And I was wearing a little black dress and a pair of super sweet knee-high black boots.

Funny the things a person remembers. I couldn't tell you any of the classes I took my freshman year of college, or who any of my professors were (except for Frank Fox, who was really cool and had a totally awesome son named Dave who I adored and wish I had kept in touch with. He was a great friend.)

So apparently getting the freezer has led to me pulling a few frozen memories out of my brain and thawing them out for inspection. It all feels like a lifetime ago, and in many ways it was. The really funny thing is, things that happened almost a decade ago feel like they happened in another lifetime - but I met Allie when I was 12 and it feels like yesterday. And here we are: both married, I have 2 kids, she will soon be Dr. Allie, and we have no more algebra homework to do.

Time is a bizarre and baffling thing.


Allie said...

Melissa was new in town, and she had already been pounced upon and proclaimed the new best friend of Jewell Loveless, my ex-best friend who had already told her what a terrible friend I was. Luckily for me, Melissa is too smart for her own good, and she didn't listen to Jewell. She called me and asked me to go see "Beauty and the Beast" with her at the theatre and then have a sleep-over at her house. We were instant best friends. When she moved away, I went to Kings (the 5 and Dime store by 5 Points mall, neither or which are in existance anymore) and bought all of the paint-by-numbers I could afford, and I sat in my room for over two weeks and just painted and cried and listened to sad Barry Mannalow songs on my Big-Bird record player. My heart was broken.
Twelve years, Mel, that's amazing! I love you as much now as I did then--no, even more.

MeL said...

Here's something even more amazing.. I was 12 when we met, and in 2 months I'll be 27. Do the math, baby.. that's 15 YEARS!

Yeah. I almost peed MY pants, too, just now. :)