Monday, March 27, 2006

Fracking Sweet!

I have a confession to make. A word of warning, however. Once read, the following cannot be unread or forgotten.

I have converted. I am totally hooked on the new Battlestar Galactica.

T got back from California on Saturday and, so enamored of the show is he, we had to stop on the way home to buy it. Best Buy carried the mini-series (which effectively served as the Pilot episode) and Season 2, but not Season 1.

SO, I have now seen the mini-series, and I am having a jones the size of Texas to see season 1, but so far not a single retailer in our immediate area is carrying it. (Damn you, Wal-Mart!) Every place seems to have season 2, but not season 1. Today, T will be attempting to locate a copy of season 1 by making a strategic sweep of the mall near his office.

If you have not seen this show, I urge you to go out NOW, RIGHT NOW, Do not pass go, do not collect $200, just go buy this show in its entirety and prepare to prostrate yourself in front of the television until summer. It's THAT good.

What? You need further convincing? Well, let me share a few key tidbits:

1) Sexy Robots.

2) Starbuck is a girl. A really hot girl, with serious muscle who smokes cigars and makes wise-ass comments.

3) You need another addiction in your life.

You may not even LIKE Sci-fi, but that's okay, because this is just an awesome story that happens to take place in the middle of an intergalactic war...

Did I mention Sexy Robots?


Mocha said...

I do, in fact, like Sci Fi and this entry reminded me NOT to watch it and get hooked on it.

I might cave if you keep talking about the sexy robots.

kirkiez said...

Apparently NBC is thinking about moving BSG from Scifi (which it owns) to NBC propper.

Ohh Frack Yes.. BSG on NBC would mean High Definition goodness. Wohoo! We win.


"A Cylon detector??? What a clusterfrak!"