Monday, March 06, 2006

In Absentia

In the small break since I last sat down to ponder my existence in written form (a fancy way of saying "think out loud in print") I realized how addicted I am to venting my spleen on here. All the thoughts seem to build up in my head, like so many buzzing insects, until I sit down and release the pressure valve. Then, I move on with a little more quiet in my brain.

Well, except for the voices in my head. But since I was told that they're loud enough for other people to hear them, too, I don't worry so much about them any more.


T's Mom came down on Friday to spend the weekend. It was like having the Mommy Mafia roll into town; she came armed with a cooler full of food to make all the meals for the weekend. I'm not talking hamburger helper, either. We gorged ourselves on orzo with fresh chopped veggies and shrimp, broiled salmon filets, and a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and (pause for dramatic effect) Home. Made. Hashbrowns. Not those grated, deep fried, heart attacks you get at the drive through. Sliced potatoes sauteed and browned with onions. You'll have to excuse me for a moment while I wipe the drool from my chin.

Mama S also arrived with an unexpected surprise for me: a brand-spankin-new Coffee Pot that really looks more like something you'd find in the back room of an experimental NASA workshop.

This coffee machine is to the old machine as HDTV is to the old black and white wooden box tv's. It has a pre-set timer so I can have coffee brewing up before I'm even out of bed the next morning. It beeps when it's done. It lets me choose strength, hot plate temperature, and I can pause it while it's brewing to pour myself a cup without any of those annoying drippies. We're talking twenty-third century coffee technology here, people! As I type this, I am sipping a cup of heavenly brew which is also missing that funky 'je ne sais quois' flavor we got from our old and overly-used carafe. It's a delicious extravagance, for which I am supremely grateful.

Add in brunch at my favorite spot, Beans In The Belfry, and it was a flawless weekend... all the way up to last night. I watched the Oscars out of mild curiousity; mostly I wanted to see how John Stuart would do with hosting. (I think he did great, but it was funny to see how akward it got at times when folks couldn't laugh at themselves. Hollywood types take themselves WAAAY too seriously.) But I digress.

Finally wrapping up the weekend and heading to bed after the Oscars, we stumbled upstairs around midnight to find that Jack was sound asleep in a puddle of his own vomit. The next 40 minutes was a blur of waking him up and stripping down both him and his bed; he got his second bath of the night, a clean pair of pajamas, and a lot of soothing. It became clear that he wasn't actually feeling sick, and most likely just ate something that disagreed with his little tummy. Of course, by then he was wide awake and asking to watch TV. This meant that I ended up in the recliner with him for another half hour watching recorded episodes of Jimmy Neutron.

When I finally stumbled back upstairs around 1am, got him back to sleep in his room, and climbed into my own bed... well, let's just say that I vaguely remember brushing my teeth and I still haven't figured out what I did with my pants.

Just a typical weekend of ups and downs in the bizarre universe that is our life.

1 comment:

Elle said...

Funny.. My blog is called Innocent When You Dream.
On Saturday I got a gift coffee-maker.
And last night I had a terrible time trying to surf the Internet for any live coverage of the Oscars, but ended up refreshing the Internet Movie Database page, just trying to see who won.
Your kids look beautiful.
Take care,