Monday, March 06, 2006

Inflammation Of The Mast.

Hello. My name is MeL, and today I manually cleared a clogged milk duct in my breast.

Not something I ever thought I would say.

But, yeah, I was coming down with the beginning symptoms of mastitis (inflammation of the breast due to infection from a clogged milk duct). This whole babymaking business is just one adventure after another, I tell ya. I felt like I was coming down with the flu over the past few days, and today I realized there was a hard knot on the left side. Massaging and nursing didn't fix it, but after reading Ask Dr. Sears and finding that I did, indeed, have the little white blister indicating a clog, I followed the directions and Voila! I am feeling much better already. The knot is gone, and hopefully I will be feeling all better by tomorrow.

I refuse to feel ill this weekend. I get to go to Bryce and party with T, PK, JK, and co. for an entire weekend. This may or may not involve me attempting to get on skis once again, depending on how the kids do and if T feels up to handling them alone for a while. Also on the up side, 3 days of opportunities to smack PK on the ass. If you've never had the joy of doing so yourself, you so totally don't know what you are missing.


Danae said...

It kinda made my stomach hurt to hear about this experience, Mel. But dude! What a woman!

Lisa said...

I didn't know you could unclog those yourself. I learned something today. Thanks!

Mocha said...

Where are the flickr photos on that?