Thursday, June 05, 2008

"ASDFJKL" or "How you like me NOW, Suckah?!".

Do you see? Do you see how I am typing like a normal human and not like LOLCats on the crack?  This is because I now have the ability to use the keys in the home row that are not G or H.  Yes, that's right, the ENTIRE home row except for G and H keys on my once trusty Dell totally crapped out on me, leaving me scrambling for a way to actually type the letters asdfjkl.   Can you BEGIN to understand the massive suckage?

"So how, then, dear MeL, are you now typing in the usual fashion?" you must be asking.

How, my friends, is a magical story indeed... a story of me posting this morning about how my magical MacBook would arrive in a cloud of fairy dust tomorrow, only to then check the FedEx website and realize that my prize had made it onto the truck A WHOLE DAY EARLY for delivery.

I decided to take a celebratory shower. (Well, that and the fly that was buzzing around me at breakfast were the inspiration, really, but let's not squabble over details; I have been without proper computerage for nearly a week now, and my husband has been in the Czech Republic while I have single-handedly parented our small offspring for a whole 5 days, so it's best we don't talk about the drop in standards for my personal hygiene when faced with the prospect of endless hours of Handy Manny and Little Einsteins while attempting to fold 6 loads of clean laundry.  Because I might have to CUT YOU, and we wouldn't want that.)

Actually, we REALLY wouldn't want that, because then you wouldn't get to hear about how I jumped into the shower and had just finished washing my hair when I heard the dog barking to signal someone at the door.  Now, because I had to actually SIGN for this delivery, I faced a small dilemma.

Apparently the dilemma was extraordinarily minor; I jumped from the shower dripping wet and stark naked, threw on my dirty pants and a zip-up sweatshirt and ran for the door in one swift motion.  At least, it was swift in my head -- in reality, it was likely the ponderous and lumbering gate you'd expect of a woman six-months-pregnant, but it felt much faster.

And the FedEx guy?  Bless him with angel kisses and unicorns, he waited for me.  I guess the half-naked urchin children peeking out at him from the windows clued him in that someone was home.  

And so, dear friends, it is that I type this little tale on the pristine keyboard of my beautiful new MacBook.  (BOOK! I CAN TYPE THE LETTER K! AM PARALYZED WITH JOY!)

Tomorrow, perhaps I shall post photos of my new paramour.  Assuming I have gotten over the basking in its beauty by then. (Does licking void the warranty?)  Also, I may or may not post a photo of my dog in a baseball cap... because, at the end of the day, I'm not so much higher brow than LOLCats after all.

1 comment:

Eternal Sunshine said...

Congrats on your new puter! Although, I was rather enjoying the whole dechipher process of the previous messages

(Fellow AllMediocre member...)