Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Book Review #1

Note:  When I decided to do a short review for the books on my list as I finish them, I may have neglected to mention that these reviews may have very little to do with the actual content of the book.  
I feel it only right to give fair warning that the reviews may have as much (or more) to do with my feewings about the book as they do with the actual content of the book itself.  But then again, if you're still here (after.. um... 5-ish years now? HOLY CRAP.) you're probably cool with that.
The Good, Good Pig - by Sy Montgomery.
I didn't expect to love this book.  It's not that I hate animals, it's just that I've been known to be.... let's say "somewhat ambivalent" when it comes to the furry creatures in my own life.  I love other people's pets - the ones who do not threaten to leave feces or hairballs on my rug, the ones who do not wantonly chew on our dirty underwear.  It's MY pets that give me the cold night sweats.
So I didn't expect to love this book.  But I have to admit that, beyond giving me a new appreciation for pigs in general (did you know their meat tastes just like ours? I can't stop imagining myself as a lovely sage-rubbed roast...) and this pig - one Christopher Hogwood - in particular, it made me take a new look at the animals in my life and vow to extend them a little more understanding.
Sy Montgomery knits together the stories of her life and her passionate pursuit of knowledge about the most exotic species of animals (pink dolphins in the Amazon! Doesn't she know there are PIRHANA there?!) (Yes. She does. And she swam in the river anyway!) with stories of the life and times of one ordinary and extraordinary hog.  She treads lightly in describing her many adventures, focusing instead on the cozy comforts of hearth, hog and husband which keep her coming back to home.
If I had to do a quick and dirty summary, I'd tell you that this book is about the relationships that we cultivate - both human and animal - and how they enrich our lives.  I found it particularly poignant that the author was estranged from her own family but, using the titular pig as an ice-breaker, was able to overcome her innate awkwardness with other humans and build a varied family of her own from the kindred spirits she has met along the way.  
It was a great beginning-of-Summer read that went down like a good slice of country corn bread slathered in honey butter.  
So there you are.  Next up: I will begin reading .. umm... something else from the list!  I haven't picked up another book from the list yet, but I'll get on that later in the week.  Lounging in the shade of the big Bradford Pear tree in our front yard with my book while the kids ride their bikes back and forth down the sidewalk and we all slurp on popsicles?  My own little slice of Summer heaven.

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