Wednesday, June 11, 2008

With Much Further Ado...

Remember that list I've been attempting to pull together for simply ages?  The one I promised to post MONDAY?

*Checks to see if pants are on fire*

Oh, sure, Monday started off well enough, all full of optimism and idyllic good intentions ... Toby was sleeping in (a rare event) and Jack was happily settled in with his matchbox cars while I, in my comfy jammies, enjoyed my morning coffee and perused the  

Then the phone rang, and Monday reared its ugly, ugly head.  

Big Daddy's car had suddenly and inexplicably stalled out at a light about 20 miles from our house; he was now parked on the side of the road and in desperate need of rescue.

So after waking Tobin, changing out of my jammies, throwing the kids into clean clothes and then into the car, and heading down the road, we picked up our stranded damsel hero and headed up to drop him at his office. (His office which was still another 30 minutes further down the road. The man has an unholy commute, he does.)

To avoid simply turning around and subjecting the kids to an additional hour of uninterrupted car time, I decided instead to tote them over to a farm near our old apartment.  We peeked in at the baby cows, pigs, and goats and they each sat a spell on the old tractors (engines removed) while I sweated and generally cursed the passing heat wave.  We grabbed some candy cow tails at Ye Olde Commercialized Country Store and then headed back on our way towards home.

And so it was that all thoughts of carefree summer reading had fled my heat-baked brain.  Long story shortened: No List For You Peoples.

Then? Then, yesterday, (that's Tuesday for those of you keeping score at home)  our wireless router decided that it was ready to pass on to the big data stream in the sky.  Ergo, no internet for me.  At least, not until this morning, where I am currently perched in our cat-litter-scented basement plugged in to (hand to God) WIRED ETHERNET.  (*cue up the tiny violins playing "Nobody Knows... The Trouble... I Seen....."*)  I know, I know. These are first world problems, my peoples, but they are MY problems just the same.  We're working on sorting out the wireless situation (NOTE: Potential Givers of the Free Stuff, I am happy to test drive a wireless router for you!  Becuase BlogHer has eaten up all spending money for the forseeable future.  And because pregnant women have very, VERY sensitive noses and OH MY FLAMING HOLY COWS, Big Daddy needs to change that litter box!  My EYES, y'all. IT BURNS!)

BUT! Today is a new day, and the faster I take care of this, the faster I can hustle my buns upstairs and take the kids for a walk to drop bills in the mail.  Because Big Daddy's car is still in the shop and he has taken the still-unnamed (though I'm leaning towards "Bertha") MiniVan of Doom, leaving me stranded.  SO, on to the good stuff.

First allow me to share the unholy cuteness of my spawn, and then I shall make with the Book Love.

And now... for some bullets!

*  Two-year-old Tobin has learned to say "Oh, SNAP!"  I find this endlessly hilarious.  You should, too.
* Jack inexplicably refers to Ruby Tuesday Restaurant as "Rooty-Fruity Tuesday".  He is also, at this moment, down on all fours and barking at the 60-pound dog.. in what I can only describe as a comic attempt to assert his dominance.  The dog is suitably unimpressed, and probably wondering what the child would taste like smothered in kibble sauce.

And now, because it requires its own post (so you and I can refer back to it as we make our way down the list... right? RIGHT!)  On to post #2 of the day...

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