Monday, March 20, 2006

Home Alone, evening 2 of 5

So what did I do with my second evening home alone with the kids? I'm so glad you asked!

Jack didn't nap today so, after spending 2 hours at the grocery store and watching ungodly amounts of television, he went to bed half an hour early - 7:30. This will lead to one of two possible results. Either he was so tired that the early bedtime will spur on his circadian rhythms and he will sleep in until 8am, or he will awake totally refreshed somewhere around dawn and begin his ritual of jumping up and down on my bed shouting "Mommy! waaaaaake UP!" in his trademark sing-song screech. He hates anyone to be asleep while he's in the room. I dozed off for a few seconds during hour 4 of Jimmy Neutron only to have him poke me firmly in the eye and say "Mommy! Lights ON!". Daddy made up a game with him where they pull one ear lobe and say "lights off" and the eyes close, and then repeat on the other side while saying "Lights on" to get the eyes to reopen. Needless to say, daddy can be very thankful he is on the other side of the continent at present, which is the only thing saving him from a smack upside his head. What was he THINKING?!

So, Jack went to bed early and without fanfare. T called a half hour later to say that all is well on the left coast, except that it rained all day. (I was somewhat appeased by this. Does that make me a bad person? Don't answer that.) He had lunch at In'N Out Burger, and had the brass cajones to say that it was less than the Ambrosia of the Gods. I'm sure my memory has embellished the goodness somewhat, but the image of those freshly cut potatoes going into the oil to make fries that are actually made of POTATO... is almost more than I can bear. Don't get me started on the burgers. *drool*

SO, I consoled myself with a bag of gummy bears (Don't worry, hon, I didn't eat the whole thing. Quite.) and ordered "In Her Shoes" on pay-per-view. I even managed to watch the whole thing without crying once - which is totally impressive considering the hormonal mess I have been lately. (I cried all the way home from the airport when we dropped T off on Sunday.) It's definitely not something T would have wanted to watch with me, so I felt totally decadent gnoshing on my gummy bears and deciding that Toni Colette really is more attractive than Cameron Diaz, if only because if you squint and turn your head sideways I kinda look like Toni. Especially if it's a really really dark room.

And now I'm going to head to bed and, after checking the kids one more time and setting the house alarm, I'm going to curl up on T's side of the bed and snuggle up to his pillow. It still smells like him.

Wherever you are tonight, Babe, I miss you.


Anonymous said...

In&Out is NOT as good as you remember. 2 or 3 weeks of it, and it's gross again. =P Now REAL good mexican food? {insert Homer drool here}

Allie said...

I never experienced In & Out until I moved to NV. (Shame on you, Mel, for never taking me there when you lived in CA). My friend Shavonne is like the walking commercial for In and Out. She starts out, "First off, notice the simplicity of the menu...." I must admit, In and Out is the BEST damn fast food burger joint around by far, but you can definately get sick of it. When Steve first moved to NV with me, we ate there at least once a week because he LOVED it that much. Now we can't even stand the thought of going there. All things in moderation, I guess.