Monday, March 06, 2006

A Trip To The Woodshed...

"A trip to the woodshed" was my dad's euphemism for a spanking. It wasn't totally inaccurate, as a spanking in our house usually involved picking out which 2x4 from the toy block box you were going to get a swat on the behind with. Before anyone goes calling CPS let me say that, first of all, you are twenty years too late. Secondly, it was never a violent spanking and really the whole process of choosing the block was by far the worse punishment than the actual pat on the backside with it.

Of course, my brother Andy - always the comedian of the family - is the only to actually manage to make my dad laugh so hard he got out of the spanking altogether. He did this by coming back to Dad with a 1x2 block that was about 3 inches long. But that has always been Andy. This is the guy who, after getting married as a 30-year-old mormon, emailed from the honeymoon cruise to say:

"This is AWESOME. Oh, and the boat is nice too."

... All of which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the jazz band playing at brunch on Sunday at Beans In The Belfry was a fantastic group called The Woodshedders.

Their website describes them as "an acoustic Hot Club *Gypsy Jazz style quintet". I would say that pretty much covers it, but if you still aren't sure what the hell I'm talking about check out some >Django Reinhardt.

Now Listening To: Hungaria. Django Reinhardt with Stephane Grapelli. Sheer genius.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

What a great story. Thanks for checking my site. I'm getting a kick out of yours. Can't wait to read more! :-)