Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Breakfast In The Spin Zone

It is safe to say we eat eggs at a rate that very nearly justifies investing in our own chicken farm. I finally gave in and started buying the packs of 3 dozen ("Fresh from Amish Country!") at our local grocer.

I love eggs. They are filling, a great source of protein, and I don't find myself starving an hour after eating them. Cereal generally leaves me tearing through the cupboards within an hour, grunting like a wild boar as I hunt for something to fill the aching void in my stomach. But Eggs? They keep me comfortably hunger-free until at least lunch time.

I suspect, however, that my family may be tiring of eating the same breakfast at least 3 mornings a week.

The tip-off came this morning, as Jack surveyed his plate of twice backed potato cubes and 2 neatly cut eggs over easy.

"This is too much eggs, Mama."

"Really? It's the same amount you ate last time."

"But too much eggs is not good for me. It makes me pee."


I find myself awed by his evil genius. Not only has he learned, before the age of 4, to make excuses to avoid my cooking... the next time he gets overly absorbed in "The Upside Down Show" and forgets to head for the bathroom in time? I have a sneaking suspicion I will hear "Uh-oh... I had uh accident. But it wasn't my fault, Mama. It was the eggs."


Anonymous said...

I share your affinity for eggs, I keep at least 3 or 4 hard boiled eggs in a bowl in the fridge at all times. As I leave the house before my tummy is ready to ingest anything, their portability is wonderful as I can eat one on the way to work with no mess.
Just so you know, they make me pee, too. But not really.

Danae said...

What a smart boy!

Eggs are SO yummy. I like to eat them fried (yolk broken), on a sandwhich with pepperjack cheese and slices ham (the thin lunch meat ones.) It's WAY good for a breakfast meal. :)