Friday, March 30, 2007

How You Like Me Now?

The new hotness. I've been toying with some ideas for a while, but the other night I finally got the bug and felt the need to do an honest-to-goodness overhaul of the site design. So, I fiddled around on the net, found some cool people who give away code so I didn't have to use my brain too much, and then played with graphics until I was content.

I like it.

You want to know what else I like? Lazy afternoons in springtime weather, when the buds are pushing up through the dark soil and the Bradford Pear tree (which doesn't really grow pears at all, or any other fruit for that matter) is in full bloom and the world seems ripe with possibilities. And the flu is almost (but not quite) a thing of the past.

My sister did a guided imagery exercise with me yesterday (which is much less new-agey than it sounds) and I realized that I have been carrying around a lot of needless, useless pain. That sounds more melodramatic than I intended, but the point is that I am making a conscious effort to replace it with Good Things.

So today, the boys and I (phlegmy coughs and all!) went to lunch at the new Panera Bread in town, and then went to the nicer grocery store because, while the prices may be a few cents higher, it is clean and organized and well-lit and was infinitely good for my sanity. The boys' too -- Toby contentedly munched from an economy-size tub of goldfish (yup, I was totally "that" mom, the one who lets her kid eat the snacks before they're even paid for) and Jack drove his imaginary car around in front of the shopping cart while we bought supplies for T to make his specialty Corn Macque Choux with Shrimp this weekend, and all the necessary items for an old-fashioned family burger cookout on the trusty Weber.

Our grill is probably about 10 years old, but it is still fairly new to us. We scored for $20 it at a funky junk shop when we first bought this house. The junk shop (which we spent many many hours wandering) closed down last year, and every time we go by the vacant building I get a little nostalgic for the place. The grill, however, is still going strong and has done all right by us. More than all right, actually.

Maybe it's the change in the weather, or the fact that we are finally starting to put the sickness behind us... maybe it's the good talk with my sister, or the inspirational adventures of Mary at Mom Writes. Whatever the reason, it is finally beginning to feel like spring.

Not a moment too soon. Now go outside and blow a few bubbles. Watch them dance away on the breeze until they are overcome by the freshness of the air and burst with joy. Spring has (finally) sprung.

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