Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday Doesn't Even Start...

Because I'm over here floating in the ether. Mood swing much? Oh, my dears, you have no idea.

Still happy about Vegas. Still relieved that the carpets were salvaged from yesterday's puke-a-palooza.
Still waiting to hear back on the Celiac results. (3 weeks and counting. JOY!)
Still pretty much a lump of flesh, perpetually exhausted and hating every minute of it. I am fairly exhuberant by nature, and this chronic fatigue stuff is really pissing me off.
Still kicking against the weight of it all, though, and inventing new ways to be amused. Like watching Toby walk around with his brother's underwear on his head like a hat. Because, for at least 30 seconds, that makes it all just a bit more bearable.

I dunno about you, but I am quite thoroughly done with this "tired" business. I'm not sleepy, I'm not hungry... I'm just weary in my bones.

It must be the lingering winter. Or maybe the slow drain of being in one place for too long. Or maybe the lack of fellowship, the remoteness of this place.

Some days? You just want your mom to let you stay home from school and watch her iron and nibble dry toast. You're not really sick, but once in a while a kid just needs a day off.

I haven't been tagged with the "Real Moms..." meme, but this would be my inadvertent contribution.

Real Moms don't get sick days, but they sure could use one once in a while.

Robert Smith never told you that, baby.

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