Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Denial Intersection

Conversation with myself:

ME: That blog post? The one about BlogHer '07? You DO know you completely avoided even mentioning SXSW, which would have included body-rocking music and enough creative geniuses to make your head explode, right?

MYSELF: Yeah, I'm aware. But really, did I need to even mention it? Because, that's like telling a kid you're thinking they can have a can of spinach for their birthday, and then mentioning that Christmas? It is also cancelled. Why mention SXSW, when there was never any doubt that 1) I am not nearly well-informed nor trendy enough to be comfortable there and 2) There is no way I could fly myself to Austin, all alone, let alone stay long enough to actually see a fraction of the sights.

I: She has a point, there. Plus? She'd be the weird one, gawking at people she recognizes only from the internet, and would probably be escorted out by security before she found anything really good to see, anyway.

ME: What? Sorry, I missed what you said, I was busy fantasizing about that parade scene in Ferris Beuller. That would be really fun, don't you think?

MYSELF: And she wonders why I hesitate to talk about places I'm not socially equipped to go to...

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