Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Also Good with Fish and Chips.

There is an understanding around our house that Daddy and Mommy sometimes slip and use words that are not okay. Jack is quick to point out that we do not say "Stupid" at our house, should his mommy be pointing out that - let's say - some vote in the Senate today was befitting of such a slur. (Which sounds entirely more intellectual than saying I was probably calling the teenagers who stole my zombie pirate from our front yard stupid-heads. Which they are. That pirate zombie was the pride of my Halloween decor. The little punks.) So, yes, let's go with Congress talk option. (Although we do discuss politics quite an awful lot in this house. Also? Religion, popular culture, and World of Warcraft. But I'm off topic now...)

(I have no idea why I am using all these parenthesis. I must be having some sort of episode. Just go with it.)

So we have been making a point to teach and/or attempt to use alternative forms of expletive. Seeing as the boys have become re-enamored of SpongeBob since we started playing "Lights, Camera, Pants!" on the GameCube, it seemed that this was an ideal source of material.

SpongeBob's two favorite expletives are "Tartar Sauce!" and "Fish Paste!".

Kids being kids, something is generally lost in the translation. Which begins to explain why I now find myself attempting to relate to Jack's teacher where he might possibly have come up with his new favorite frustrated exclamation...



On the up side? We finally got him to stop saying "Damnit!". Mostly.

So given the alternatives, I suppose I am going to have to learn to live with Darnit Sauce.

I wonder if it's tasty on fried cod?

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