Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Nap. Desperately Need.

For one reason or another, y'all, I am tired. I mean bone weary, fall asleep at 10 and sleep until 10 on a weekend, where is my coffee because SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE IF I DON'T HAVE IT RIGHT NOW tired.

This morning was a flurry of driving to's. To the pediatrician's office (15 miles away) to help them combine 2 different sets of medical records in order to have a current immunizations record for Jack. To the gas station to put air (again) in my back right tire, which appears to have a slow leak, and grab cheese and croissants for the kids for "lunch". To the preschool to have both kids photographed and digitally fingerprinted for emergency records. Finally, to home, where it was too late to put Toby down for a nap - which explains why he is now running, pantless, through the living room and screaming like a rabid chimpanzee.

My brilliant plan for this afternoon involves picking Jack up from school, putting gas in my van (which is running on the gasping vapors that are left when even most of the fumes have been burned up), feeding my child something more substantial than cheddar and pastry, and maybe decorating the front yard for Halloween. If there happens to be an extra corpse in the yard when I'm done? Don't worry, it's only me -- passed out like a wino in the unmowed grass.

Tomorrow is my first day of physical therapy. I'm supposed to get rehabilitated for the herniated or ruptured disc in my back, but all I heard was "massage" and I was sold. Mama could use a few thousand of those.

Big Daddy came home on Thursday, to much fanfare. We celebrated with Mexican food at Anita's Restaurant, which was lovely. And also, reminds me of an OverShare I've been meaning to do....

So a few months ago, I was offered a free two-month supply of a new product called "Align" for treating IBS. I asked if there was any sort of catch to the deal, and the nice marketing rep assured me that there was no catch -- but they would appreciate an honest review of the product. After the time I have spent in the doctor's office trying to figure out if there was anything that could be done to help my digestive issues (See? I did warn you about the OverShare) I figured it couldn't hurt. Also, the suggestions of my gastroenterologist all involved things like "Reduce your stress" and "give up caffeine and spicy food" and really, you may as well just start digging now.

So I got the package of little white pills in the mail, I read all the literature, and I decided to give Align a try. (I'm sure there's supposed to be little (TM)'s around that, but I'm far too tired right now to use up the brain power of trying to figure that out, so let's just remind everyone that's a trademarked name. kthxbye.)

With the miscarriage earlier this year, I got a little delayed in testing it out. Once I recovered, though, and got started... I have to say I am impressed. Basically, it's probiotics in pill form. Which means that it's a lovely alternative to choking down 3 or 4 containers of yogurt every day. Especially if, like me, you aren't really a big fan of yogurt. Unless it's frozen and made of chocolate, in which case I make a special exception, but... I digress.

Align worked like quite the charm, and with the back problems and general insanity of attempting to tread water in the deep end of motherhood and housewifery... well, at least it made me regular. Please note that I received no compensation, etc, for that thoroughly articulated and glowing review. I just said I'd give my honest opinion and, once it's available to buy (which I don't believe it is quite yet) I highly recommend Align and will probably buy it regularly. Pun? Totally intended.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go tempt fate with a cup of coffee and some more driving. While I ponder when, exactly, it was that I morphed into an 80-year-old woman.

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mel,
I just wanted to thank you for trying out Align and reviewing it. Align is available for purchase at www.aligngi.com and also on several drugstore websites. Please check out the site to find it's availability and feel free to spread the word. Thanks!

Laurie Greene

Nats said...

Well you definately sound busy busy! No wonder you are tired! We made it to Tennessee in one piece and currently recovering from that change. Hope you get the rest you need.

love ya!