Thursday, October 25, 2007

Finally - Fall.

As we pulled the minivan-of-denial into the preschool parking lot, an unexpected gust of wind shook the trees overhead.

The wind loosed a waterfall of gold and orange leaves, until they tumbled like organic rain from the sky. Leaves falling, leaves falling. I smushed a few soggy stragglers underfoot with my knee-high black quilted boots. The boys giggled and squealed at the leafy cascade from above.

Definitely boot weather. Definitely time for a sigh of relief and a fresh pot of scalding tea. I'm thinking a spicy black tea with just a pinch of sugar. 2 hours of quiet - Jack at preschool, Toby fast asleep. I'm feeling so romantic, I might even finish the laundry.

It has been raining for nearly 3 days here. I hear California is on fire. My back yard, meanwhile, is one giant mud puddle. The rain has been a pattering lullaby at night. The cold is bracing, and the wet is at least evidence of autum. I don't mind the rain -- this weather is invigorating. Refreshing.

I adore boot weather.
Boots, boots, boots for all!

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