Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Most Important Meal of the Day

A hearty THANK YOU for all the suggestions on Toby's birthday, Internets! My cup runneth over. (Seriously. I had no idea that the number of people who sent emails and/or comments actually READ this bloggety insanity that is my little corner of the interwebs.) And none of you were even my Mom, which totally gives me more street cred.

We finally decided to round up some family and a few friends and force them to get up early on a Sunday and head their happy hineys out to the hills to join us here for a celebratory brunch.

I have never been able to comfortably eat breakfast when I wake up -- my body requires a few hours to decompress from sleep before food can sound appealing. On weekends, I make an exception because I will eat with Big Daddy T eats, but the rest of the week? The kids eat breakfast while I coffee and toast, and then I'll snack on something around 10.

So Brunch is actually the perfect meal for me.... providing a way for me to eat breakfast foods (which are my favorite and my best) (<-- Charlie & Lola reference. Because I also have street cred with the kiddies.) at the time of day when my stomach is ready to, you know.. digest food.

SO we're having a Birthday Brunch for Toby. I'm already busily compiling lists of easily-constructed brunch dishes to feed a large group with minimal effort and mess. My personal favorite is my own breakfast version of pigs in a blanket -- substitute sausage links for hot dogs. SEE! The possibilities? They will blow your mind. Fruit salad! My specialty blueberry crepes with sweetened-sour-cream sauce.

Oh, and I'm thinking... pumpkin-muffin-bread with cream cheese frosting for the birthday cake. Probably in the shape of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, since it involves cutting a bundt cake in half and repositioning the half-circles to make a squiggle shape. Did I mention I'm taking the easy route here?

And? AND! The grown-ups can join us in toasting The Baby's birthday with Mimosas. Because, as Mom always said, one should at least start the day with a little OJ. For the vitamins and minerals, of course.

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