Thursday, October 11, 2007

Funny Hats. Unexpected Parades.

Every year since 2000, T and I have gone to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. Last year, though, we had to miss it - for a variety of reasons.

So it was that we headed up to Annapolis-land on Saturday - there to meet up with our friends Matt and Sara and their two daughters. The eight of us (EIGHT! With FOUR kids! The mind boggles!) spent an entirely pleasurably day wandering Revel Grove, eating and drinking to our fill, shopping at the vendors, and listening to the comedy show.

Where does a Peg-Legged pirate eat breakfast?


Wait for it...



I know, pure genius, right? Okay, so it was all much funnier at the time, and that happens to be the only joke I can remember because - as we have long-established around here - I have the attention span and short-term memory of a ferret on methamphetamines and a caffeine IV drip.

Anyway, the hilights of the experience for Jack were 1) riding on a REAL! LIVE! PONY! and 2) holding hands and generally being adorable as all-get-out with his new BFF Miah. In hats.

Ah. Young Love.

I was dying of heat stroke, but I still smiled pretty for the camera.

We spent the night at a lovely hotel and spent Sunday (after a morning workout at the nearby gym - Nike+ data to follow when I get around to uploading) wandering the inner harbor. We checked out the USS Torsk, which Sara's dad served on after he returned from Vietnam. It is definitely not a choice experience for anyone with claustrophobia, and just thinking about soldiers spending any amount of time on that tin can makes me shudder. It was cool, though, and the boys - of course - ate it up.

Intrepid explorers, all. On top of the submarine.

Then we wandered around and attempted to find a restaurant that wasn't packed to the gills. This was, of course, before we remembered that the Patriots game was on, and EVERY restaurant and/or sports bar and grille (of which there is no shortage in the inner harbor) was packed to the gills.

Then there came the unexpected parade, in honor of Columbus Day weekend. The kids were delighted with marching bands, antique cars and firetrucks, Miss Maryland, and lots of free candy thrown from the passing parade-marchers.

Free candy + vintage firetrucks = Little Boy Heaven

We finally settled at the outdoor deck for ESPN Zone and meandered through the afternoon with food and drinks and conversation. All of which would have been much more enjoyable without the HEAT WAVE rolling through the eastern seaboard, but - hey - we can't have everything.

All in all, a fantastic weekend and the closest thing to a vacation we managed to get this year. Not too shabby, I'd say. Also? Still totally adore the Ren Fest. Also, also? Still not dressing up in period costume. My jeans do quite nicely for me, thank you. Although, next year? Next year I believe I will skip the sandals and wear the sneakers. The grunge gets a bit thick otherwise...

I am a dirty, dirty girl. Also? Desperately need pedicure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics Mel - I have to send you mine. and can i say my hubby looks so happy atop the sub!!??! I have to say as well in the parade pic, that is a great looking leg to the right (yes it's mine LOL). We had a great time, dirt, heat, Pats game, parade and all : )