Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Things That Rock My Wednesday

- First session of physical therapy. The electro-current-stimulator-thingie (that's the technical term, by the way) that feels like a massage and dulls the pain from a herniated and/or ruptured lumbar disc. That was so worth fighting rush hour traffic and nearly throwing up from anxiety. I now totally have a girl-crush on my physical therapist, especially after promised to work on my back more on Friday morning.

- Good conversations with sisters. I used up all of my prepaid cell minutes today, chatting with Shanna-Banana and Her Ladyship Cynthia. Both awesome women and great for good conversation. I should call them more often.

- Finding my Martha Stewart magazine from last year, full of good ideas for homemade Christmas gifts. I might actually get on top of that this year in time to make gifts for a few people. The only down side is the number of gift ideas in it that I can't actually use; I don't think I know anyone who wants a pom-pom ladybug for Christmas, and I can only knit so many hats between now and December. On the plus side? There are recipes for truffles. Which will probably end up as my gift to myself. Bonus!

- Realizing that the week is half over, and I get to spend the weekend at the Maryland Rennaissance Festival. Yep, I'm totally into Renn Fest. No, I don't wear a costume. But I might have to get hats for the boys to wear, as they are still young enough for me to turn them into Renn Folke without protest. By next year, I have a feeling Jack will have finally figured out how embarrassing I really am. The clock is ticking, y'all. They grow up so fast.

- The only thing that DID NOT rock my Wednesday? Realizing that Toby's second birthday is less than 2 weeks away and I have made exactly ZERO preparations for the event. Ideas anyone? I considered a follow-up Chuck E Cheese outing, which is what we did for Jack's birthday, but then I realized that this was convenient for... well, nobody but my Mother-in-law, as my brother and his family have moved to Rome and were the only ones who lived near CEC. I'm still toying with cooking up a big pot'o Gumbo and sending out a "doors are open" invitation to everyone who might want to see our little nugget turn 2.

For the record, I am not to be numbered among those who are interested in seeing this milestone. I get really odd looks when I say something about "The Baby" and then people ask how old he is and find that he is nearly 2. Apparently this disqualifies him as "a baby" in some eyes, but don't try to tell me that BECAUSE I WILL CUT YOU. He is a baby as long as I say he is - and as I am the one who pushed all nine and a half pounds of him out into this world, if I choose to call him "The Baby" I am entitled to do so. And I say that with nothing but love in my peace-love-and-flowers-filled soul.

So! Any ideas on how to celebrate The Baby's second birthday? Preferably ones that involve very little effort on my part.... Because, as you may have noticed, I am a tad less than enthusiastic at this prospect.

That face? That is the baby face.


Anonymous said...

He is impossibly cute and still very much a baby! Keep him that way for as long as possible because to quote u earlier they do "grow up so fast"! My guy is 8 and still my baby.

As for the birthday bash...your idea is excellent. A few new toys, some fun balloons, and a couple of playmates sounds perfect. (still young enough to get away with not having a huge party at chuck e cheese or the like) I envy you on that!

BTW! We are going to the Renn festival in Fishers, Indiana this weekend, too! Can't wait! We have been looing forward to it since last years ended. =)

I loved reading about your week. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I know a couple of lil' ladies that would love pom pom ladybugs for christmas ;) kerri