Wednesday, October 31, 2007

In Absentia...

I had a big 'ole "ME TOO!" moment while reading Attack of the Redneck Mommy yesterday.

I miss my boo.

I even miss his beard. He grows a beard every year over Christmas vacation - mostly because it allows him to be lazy and get through the "unshaven hobo" period before returning to the office with a full beard come January 2. (Really. The man grows facial hair faster than my garden sprouts weeds.) This year, however, he started early. Like, in September.

It's pure stubborn petulance, really. The Czechs (who happen to also be in the Czech Republic office, and therefore out of proper ranting distance) have delayed for weeks in getting him some of the code he needs to sort out some software issues. So? He made a vow not to shave again until they pony up with the info. Which is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine, but hey. Better he vent passive-aggressively than kick holes in the walls. (Which he did as a teenager. Usually because of a video game. But I digress.)

The beard can't be comfortable in hot, hot Singapore. Where he is probably celebrating Halloween by partaking in a ghoulish helping of drunken prawns again.

In his absence, however, he has escaped our annual tradition -- namely wherein I force him to dress up for Halloween in whatever costume I have come up with and/or purchased at the last second from the clearance section.

This simply will not do.

I mean, it's bad enough that I will have to depend solely on my own willpower in order to resist diving headlong into the Halloween candy and smearing my entire body with chocolate. (Which really isn't a kinky sort of thing in our house, as T isn't a big fan of chocolate.) (I know! But that's a rant for another day.)

But now I am deprived of the pleasure of ever-so-lovingly making his life miserable for my own warped enjoyment. It's a travesty, that's what.

So, in his absence (which conveniently places him half a world away -- safely out of range) I present - for your viewing pleasure - a reminder of Big Daddy T's Halloween, circa 2004.

Wellathankya. Thankyaveraymush.

When he finally gets his code from those Czechs and the beard is summarily removed? I am SOOO insisting that the lamb chop sideburns make a reappearance. It might be just me (and the extended lack of husband and extraordinarily empty bed) but I find those bad boys seriously sexy.

Those sideburns = Yeah Baby.

Happy Halloween!

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