Thursday, November 01, 2007

NaBloPoMo: Day 1: I Just Have One Of Those Faces.

One might think that, this being the day after Halloween and all, I might be posting adorable pictures of my offspring.

One would, of course, have woefully underestimated the degree of my procrastinatory abilities... as well as my penchant for masochism.

You see, I spent the better part of the day picking up and setting up Toby's new mattress (for his twin-size big boy bed. Which I won't allow him to use yet, because my denial? It runs deep) as well as mowing the lawn, taking down our exterior Halloween decor, and cleaning up the kids playroom before it was declared a national disaster area.

Speaking of Masochism.... I finally bit the bullet and, today, at the 11th hour, registered for NaBloPoMo again this year. Which means that I have now committed to post at least SOMETHING up in hea' every single day this month. Also? That I should probably just be outright committed, since this was almost the death of me last year. Also also? No badge up as of yet, though they do exist and are LOL-Catz-tastic. I will likely attempt to get one up later, although I never did put up my "I survived" badge after I completed the challenge last year.

Ah well.

In the absence of further evidence that my spawn are perhaps the most beautiful creatures ever conceived, may I present an existential discord which ripped through my brain this afternoon. Of course, it requires that you entirely disregard the significance of the fact that the following will include the words "Hanna Montana". Please, just read it and accept the oddness of the moment, and then we'll both pretend that we never, ever wrapped our brains around the fact that, for whatever reason, Hanna happened to be doing her "Sweet Niblets" bit up on our big screen.

Now to the point: Violent, southern-fried crime boss from a past episode of "Bones" suddenly appears on the telly as a southern-fried cameo on Hanna Montana.

Which got me thinking about the time that Steve Burns from "Blues Clues" (Holla! I LOVE YOU STEVE! Did you know he made a music album with help from The Flaming Lips?? But I digress...) once appeared on Homicide: Life on the Street as a very creepy murderer.

I am beginning to wonder how many television actors have done kid show roles along with much riskier adult television roles within a fairly short timespan. I have a memory for faces (though not for names -- if you ever meet me in person, please do not be offended if it takes until the 3rd or 4th meeting before I actually refer to you by the correct name) and I find myself constantly going "Hey! That's the guy from....."

For example... When Ugly Betty premiered, did anyone else immediately recognize Becky Newton (Amanda the receptionist) as the waitress from the Olive Garden commercial where the woman is there to meet her "date" --- which turns out to be her little boy?

After reading over the above, I'm suddenly realizing that my husband may, just perhaps, be on to something in stating that I have been watching WAAAY too much television lately....

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