Saturday, November 03, 2007

Yes, I'm Burnt Out Already

Who knew that day 3 of NaBloPoMo would find me already devoid of anything to say?

How about some totally useless bullets describing my activities today?

- Took a hot shower in private. It took a couple of Pop Tarts and the Disney Channel to hold the boys' attention long enough, but by golly it worked. I even got to, like, shave things. Hooray for no more armpit chinchillas.

- Went to my violin lesson while my awesome neighbor sat with the boys. It was my first actual break from the kids in many, many days. Of course, I spent the entire time interally berating myself for not practicing enough and not improving as quickly as I would like... but hey! There was no screaming toddler glued to my knee!

- Mowed the back yard, which had become so overgrown I actually mowed over several of the dog's toys. It was a blood bath -- pieces of rubber squeaky hamburger everywhere. When I finished mowing (and cleaning up the crime scene) I spent another half-hour policing the yard for dog poop, becoming the human dung beetle with my big bag'o turds. It was obviously delightful; the one thing my husband neglected to mention when he was talking me into getting our Very. Large. Dog. ? They make Very. Large. Poop. For all I know, the dog could be swallowing neighbor kids whole. I'd never know - they'd be easily hidden in his gargantuan Poo Tootsie Rolls.

- Warmed up some leftovers for the boys for dinner. Gnawed on half a chicken wing for myself, then gave up and made a meal of Diet Pepsi and Cheezits.

- Sat down to record all of this for posterity, and devoted the bulk of the space to my dog's excrement. It's a proud, proud day, y'all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL over "armpit chinchillas"
You're very funny!