Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Textual Healing, Video Appealing

I love you like a ninja loves black masks!

Best random text message from an absent spouse EVAR!

Big Daddy T is in the final leg of Singapore Sling Part Deux. Of course, he still has a 1-day journey to Kuala Lumpur before he comes home next week, but it won't change his actual home arrival.

Thank heaven for small favors, people.

In the interim, I have been attempting to take video and photos of the kids at his request... because he feels like he is missing it! their lives! And, in spite of my attempts to reassure him that nothing very exciting has changed in his absence (I changed diapers! And did Laundry! The THRILL!) he is convinced that I am slacking in my duties to film the every waking moment of our children.

So tonight I hauled out the camera and pointed it at my nonplussed offspring. I got Toby to do our (now well-rehearsed) bit on film.

It goes like this:

Me: Toby, are you a turtle?

Toby: No! I'm not a turtle!

Except that his part comes out more like "Noh-eye-nah tuh-tull!"

You'll have to take my word for it -- the cuteness of it rips your heart out of your chest and holds it up for you to view the shivery, still-beating remains.

The big news here, though, is that I finally signed up for a Vimeo account and, assuming the moon and stars and my brain all reach the correct alignment, I will soon have chest-ripping cuteness to share with the world.

Prepare yourselves!

In the mean time, I'll be attempting to recapture the moment on film sans extras. You see, as I completed filming our exchange, I realized he had thrown in his other well-rehearsed bit...

Removing his diaper and peeing on the floor.

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