Saturday, November 17, 2007

Yet More Useless Information.

It's time again for another installment of Things You Didn't Need To Know! With your host...
uh... that would be me. Hi!

I had all these great ideas for a post on deep, thoughtful observations on parenthood. After all, I am still in hot pursuit of the whole Zen Parenting thing. Well, maybe not so much hot pursuit as, say, lukewarm. After all, the sink is full of dirty dishes, the dog threw up in his bed again last night, and I have yet to convince Jack that running around the house in the nude is not a great idea - especially when the outside temperature is in the 40's. But hey - mox nix. I'm still looking for the Zen in our Zoo, however slow the going may be.

So, instead of poignant navel-gazing, allow me to share yet more useless personal trivia!

* I once ran for student government. And lost. Spectacularly. I try to remember that experience when I am afraid to try something new for fear of failure. (Which happens often.) I lost, I survived the embarrassment, and in the end it really wasn't such a big deal. One of these days I'll be brave enough to jump into things without so much fear. I could learn a lot from Toby -- 2-year-olds are spectacularly fearless.

* I took the van to get the oil changed and the exterior washed this week. The inside, however, remains reminiscent of a third-world disaster scenario. I'm half-convinced there may be a family of raccoons hiding somewhere among the rubble. And perhaps a midget.

* Monday owes me. OH, how Monday owes me. Big Daddy T has informed us he will be returning on Tuesday afternoon -- just in time to leave for us to drive to Ohio 24 hours later. Want to guess who will be doing the driving? I'll give you a clue -- NOT the one who will be so screwy with jet lag that we would end up plowed into a tree in the middle of a field somewhere in Pennsylvania. Nope, just the one who will be so screwy with the CRAZIES that we might end up in Camden, Maine. Because Camden is beautiful this time of year.

* I'm actually getting a real domain for this little burg. It will take a few days to be fully in-effect, but by the end of the weekend AumMom dot com should be completely operational. Don't get too excited, as nothing else is actually changing yet. I may get around to another site redesign in another 5 years or so, but let's not make any promises we can't keep, okay?

* She's intelligent, beautiful, insightful... and, incidentally, recently awarded me a prize! The fab-tastic Mocha Momma is feeling under the weather right now. Be sure to drop by and tell her to get well soon. You can tell her that Mel sent you as you bask in her glow. Just try not to stare at her wings.

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