Friday, November 23, 2007

Oh-Hi-Oh, A-Shopping We Did Go.

Black Friday, people. Let me just say, it was my first experience venturing into the wilds of the day-after-Thanksgiving jungle. It was something of a bloodbath but, fortunately for me, my sister and I had no actual goals for our shopping - with few exceptions.

Because of this, we were able to observe the milling throngs with something of a clinical eye. Teenage girls searching for the "secret shopper" to get free gift cards from a local radio station. Mothers, drunk on the power of shopping without their children, filling their carts and baskets with all sorts of impulse toy buys. Elderly couples strolling hand in hand, obviously just enjoying the crush of the crowd and the abundant Christmas decor.

I escaped with bank account relatively unscathed (save for sandwiches at Subway and a soft pretzel at Walmert). The beginning of holiday excitement building in my guts. 50 different scents on my skin from a joyous frolic through Bath and Body Works. I love that store with an unholy passion - surpassing even my passion for scented candles and those sugar-coated gummy fruit slices.

Tomorrow we fight the raging traffic and head back towards home - comfortably full of turkey, pie, and familial affection. Entirely ready for the Christmas season. Ready to decorate the tree. I might even be sufficiently filled with holiday cheer to start the roll-out cookies and make the Christmas fudge.

Time to break out the Yule Log DVD, people. The holidays are here.

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