Friday, November 09, 2007

Will Be Busy. With Visits. And Shopping.

The rest of the day promises to be.... well, more than a little bit hectic. So, as I have just finished tidying up from the meeting this morning. (At least, as much as I intend to tidy up. The food is put away, the chairs are straightened, and there are toys all over the place, but today? The toys can wait. I'll get them on Sunday.)

The parade planning went well -- and I didn't even curl up into the fetal position in the corner ONE time! Well, at least not until after it was over, but that was mostly due to my inability to coherently list the rest of my tasks for the day and get us packed for an overnight with Grandmommy.

Now I'm busily googling directions for our destinations over the next 2 days (Road Trip! With kids! By myself! Should be awesome. I'm expecting to have an aneurysm by Sunday.)

At the moment, though, it's a relief to be getting out of the house. Left to my own devices, the kids and I spend entirely too much time at home.

And I frickin' miss my husband, y'all.

So we're hitting up T's Mom's house, dropping in on his niece's birthday party tomorrow morning down in Southern Virginia, and stopping off at the birthday party of an old coworker friend of mine on the way home. Also? I just discovered that there is a Steve & Barry's en route to home as well.

Fabulous houndstooth coat? You are SOOO mine.

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