Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween Redux

When it comes to unfamiliar social situations, I do much better when someone else is in charge and can simply give me directions on what to do.

Apparently this also holds true for being a Room Mom for Jack's preschool class. With no direction on what I should do at the kids' Halloween party, I pretty much stood around and looked lost. BUT! This is the beauty of having a camera handy. You can stand around and take photos of your kid, and sorta look lost but also busy.

Which is exactly what I did.

And a good thing, too, since by the time the actual Trick or Treat festivities rolled around that night, I was so harried and exhausted from the day I completely spaced on taking any more photos. And, of course, when I uploaded the ones from the party I realized that in all the social anxiety I had neglected to check the settings on the camera, and therefore ended up with a lot of blurry, mis-focused images. (Oooh! Adorable, fuzzy children in front of perfectly focused stacks of folding chairs...)

My friend Molly swung by in the evening with her kids and her friend Nicole, and between them they managed to take some photos of me and the boys together. Which I will share as soon as I get emailed copies of them.

In the interim, I present a few photos of the boys from the party earlier in the day....

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he..

Lost in contemplation of Halloween Cupcakes....

Specifically? These Halloween Cupcakes.

"How you doin'?"

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