Monday, November 05, 2007

Soo. Tired.

Any day that begins before 6am is probably not a great day.

Today began at 5:45, so you can imagine that I'm feeling ready to stab out my eyeballs with a ball point pen leap tall buildings in a single bound. Have you ever been so tired you actually saw the road melting and sliding down the hill? Either I'm having acid flashbacks, or my brain is finally calling foul on me. I stayed up until 11 last night folding laundry (the horror!) and rising at the crack of unholy-dark-thirty involved scraping barnacles from my eyelids with a spackle knife. T'weren't pretty. To say the least..

So I dropped the kids off with my friend Molly, headed up for an early-morning session with my physical therapist (that's not a euphemism -- my back is still "in recovery" from the slipped/herniated/whateverthehell disc), then back to pick up the boys, home for a quick lunch, off to school, then off to the Dr. Headshrinker with Toby in tow.

Oh. And because I am obviously not intelligent enough to read the manual and set the clock in my car, I came out of therapy and thought "Oh crap! Time to get Jack from school!". I stood outside the class for a full 10 minutes before the strange looks from the administrators computed in my brain and I realized I was a full hour early.

Toby and I used our hour to refill my prescriptions and buy me a new watch. So now - the time? She is on my body. Correctly. And then I DID read the manual to set the car clock and adjusted it for the switch off DST... only to make myself 10 minutes late to pick Jack up from school.

Greetings. I am Queen Genius Of The Universe. You may now proceed to worship my brilliance. Right after I remove this splinter from my foot and remember where I put my car keys.

It's 7pm, and my bed is calling me like a seductive cabana boy. Time to slug my way through some dishes, watch me a little Chuck and then surrender to the siren song of sleep.

Tomorrow? Something Interesting Goes Here. Because I'm sure reading about howmuch my day sucked is about as entertaining as... as...

As a big ole splinter in the big toe, perhaps?


Anonymous said...

I can relate with that day. There are just days when I'm draggin' my butt all day...totally exhausted and counting the SECONDS until bedtime.

This is the one thing I miss the most about being single without kids. Being able to sleep whenever....sigh....

Anonymous said...

Ah, my dear. It is NOT easy. It is often NOT fun. It can be the impetus for running screaming into the woods or climbing under the covers with 20 pounds of chocolate and the latest mystery while ignoring all else around you.
BUT - it is certainly possible, especially if you learn to laugh at yourself and your situation, as you have done; and to look for the roses in spite of the pesky thorns. And there are so many wonderful roses!
AND - it is DEFINITELY worth it.
Golly sakes - if I hadn't hung in there through the madness and the tears and the lonely spells and the sometimes endless boredom with it all- I wouldn't have YOU today!! And the world would definitely be a much darker, lonelier, and sadder place.